[center][b][h2]Quest Board[/h2][/b][/center] [@Timemaster] [b]MUNDANE QUEST #2:[/b] Phantoms in the Dark If Galaxor had been the one to create the chambers and tunnels where the goblins guided by the Smilegma lived, then why did they always discover new tunnels around the same time each year? Lately, some of the younger goblins have begun to murmur amongst themselves about the ‘Phantoms of the Lower Tunnels’. A set of triplets claimed they once encountered a ghostly apparition down near the end of the Tunnel of Uglagulg, and when they came back the next day to check on the ghost, found a new tunnel in its place instead. Everyone’s refused to go into any of the lower tunnels since they started spreading those rumours, where most of the tasty creepy-crawlies make their lives and where they harvest the plant fibres they use to make their clothes. Safe to say, their shabby clothes and tools wouldn’t last long if they didn’t get any new materials for repairs, and with no clothes or tools a fate worse than death awaited them… That of not being able to comfortably sit on the gravelly, scratchy cave floors. Oh, and death by exposure or lack of means of defence against predators, too. [b]EXPECTED POSTS FOR QUEST COMPLETION:[/b] 1 [b]DANGER LEVEL:[/b] LOW [hr] [@AdorableSaucer] [B]DIVINE QUEST #2:[/B] The Blood Swarm Coming from the blood pools within the eternal sandstorms in the desert wastelands to the south of the Lick, Blood Locust swarms were an uncommon but not surprising event which usually happened at least once or twice each year, easily warded off by the burning of bonfires and trash heaps. This last year, however, there have been six swarms. Each one featured larger, meatier locusts than the last. The second to last swarm that passed by didn’t even respond to the smoke and instead flew straight through it, eating every grain and every crop they could find and throwing the entire region into disarray. The week after yet another swarm came through and upon failing to find any crops to eat, they instead grabbed wild animals and some of the weakest Snooters and dragged them away into the wastes, never to be seen again. There is widespread fear gripping the region. Tribes of Snooters blame and raid other tribes and each other for incurring the wrath of the Gods, and little by little the fear grows so much that Agriculture becomes impossible, for not a single day passes without fields being trampled and salted. The shamans and prophets now believe that yet another swarm is coming… One that will dwarf the previous ones and spell the end of Snooter civilization around the Lick. "Snooter. Pigs. Boars. Pork. Locust fears? Bloody bacon... To aid? Long tongues... Big stomachs... Hunger." Said a pile of his own dung to Hummus via a farty version of morse code. [B]EXPECTED POSTS FOR QUEST COMPLETION:[/B] 1-2 [b]DANGER LEVEL:[/b] MEDIUM [hr] [@Goldeagle1221] [B]MUNDANE QUEST #3:[/B] Got Dam The Great River is slowly drying up. A quick investigation shows the source to be a set of dams of massive proportions that are being built by a large group of beaverfolk in and around Shangshi-La. Several groups of people have asked them to stop, only to be met by a hail of rocks from above. Rumours abound that these beaver-folk aren’t actually beastfolk, but demons from the other side who have come to take Galbar’s untainted waters for themselves, a hypothesis that seems to be supported by the dam-builders having what seems to be an endless supply of wood. Fact is, whatever they are, if they are allowed complete unregulated control over the world supply of fresh water then everyone could be in trouble. “No flow? No daffotales? No lillypads? We dislike it? Fix things?” A passing cloud mouthed at Tuuni. [B]EXPECTED POSTS FOR QUEST COMPLETION:[/B] 1-3 [b]DANGER LEVEL:[/b] HIGH [hider=Summary] Quests for Timemaster, Adorable Saucer and Goldeagle![/hider]