[h2][color=gray]HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps], [@WhiteAngel25] [hr] [i][b]"I'll get that off of you, 3, I promise."[/b][/i] Subject #3 tried her best to hold back terrified tears as she sat strapped in her seat, a second collar affixed to her neck. This new one had a digital timer displayed. [color=red][h3]02:39[/h3][/color] And it was counting down rapidly, beeping. A high-impact bomb, designed to explode everything in a nearby radius. Subject #3 stared up at Stella, then glanced at Nick and the group with him. [b]"You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous. It's- it's- please-"[/b] A deep voice from within the shadows. [b]"No, they're in exactly the right place."[/b] Emerging from the shadows was a ring of 10 or so armed security drones, covered in reinforced white metal, automated pistols loaded and raised menacingly, surrounding them from all sides. If anyone so much as moved an inch, they would immediately open fire, not to be taken lightly. From directly behind Subject #3 emerged the AI prototype, the Beast, its red eye wide and glowing. From the glow, it projected a hologram that took the form of a smiling, sinister-looking Von Galloes. He was outlined in red, the hologram framing him in dark, menacing hues. He approached Stella, standing beside her as she stared at the bomb device. [b]"Come now, [i]sweetheart[/i]. This is child's play for a [i]perfect solider [/i]such as yourself."[/b] The hologram made his smile all the colder as he leaned in close, looming over Stella. [b]"After all the drills, all the training I had [i]him[/i] do to you, you're going to stand here and tell me you don't know how to disarm a simple bomb? Come now, don't you recognize the technology, [i]my dear[/i]?"[/b] He eyed her gleefully, relishing the look on her face. [b]"Don't be shy. Show everyone what I made you for..."[/b] He looked at the timer on Subject #3's neck and chuckled darkly. [color=red][h3]01:19[/h3][/color] He took a step away, the projection shifting as Von Galloes walked to stand in front of Thierry, chest to chest. [b]"So, how do you like the modifications I made to your pet? Satisfying, no? When he tried to kill you, I mean."[/b] His eyes glinted menacingly. [b]"Shame. You didn't even make it to the depths of my facility. And now you're moments from death."[/b] He paced the ground as if in deep thought before raising his hand, pretending like an idea had come to him. [b]"Say, if you beg for my forgiveness now, I'll stop the countdown and let you all live, hm? How's that."[/b] What Nick and Stella would notice, along the right side of the room, was that the wall had been replastered over recently, and looked weak. A simple blow would knock it down, and reveal something else underneath it. If they somehow dealt with the drones and knocked down the wall, they would uncover one of the most significant secrets of this underwater facility. A simple door rusted beyond time, caked and warped. A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/43/c4/9b/43c49bc47b8c08ae52dd1aa42aecd820.jpg]rune[/url] would be carved deeply into the stained metal, recognized only by those who knew about the ancient societies revolving around dark energy. A mark of The Ethereum.