[h1][center][color=gold]Maxima Magna Mirificus[/color][/center][/h1] [h2][sub][center][color=gold]Maxima’s Ghosts[/color][/center][/sub][/h2] [h3][sub][center][color=gold]The Goblin Savior[/color][/center][/sub][/h3] [quote=Fortis Redeo Extenso Turbo Tempus Zephyrus Origo] MUNDANE QUEST #2: Phantoms in the Dark “[color=gold]A strong return extended the whirlwind of time, where the west wind originated.[/color]” If Galaxor had been the one to create the chambers and tunnels where the goblins guided by the Smilegma lived, then why did they always discover new tunnels around the same time each year? Lately, some of the younger goblins have begun to murmur amongst themselves about the ‘Phantoms of the Lower Tunnels’. A set of triplets claimed they once encountered a ghostly apparition down near the end of the Tunnel of Uglagulg, and when they came back the next day to check on the ghost, found a new tunnel in its place instead. Everyone’s refused to go into any of the lower tunnels since they started spreading those rumours, where most of the tasty creepy-crawlies make their lives and where they harvest the plant fibres they use to make their clothes. Safe to say, their shabby clothes and tools wouldn’t last long if they didn’t get any new materials for repairs, and with no clothes or tools a fate worse than death awaited them… That of not being able to comfortably sit on the gravelly, scratchy cave floors. Oh, and death by exposure or lack of means of defence against predators, too. EXPECTED POSTS FOR QUEST COMPLETION: 1 DANGER LEVEL: LOW [hider=tag1][hider=tag2][hider=tag3][hider=tag4][hider=tag5][hider=tag6][hider=tag7][hider=tag8][hider=tag9][hider=tag10]Congrats. Half way through![hider=tag11][hider=tag12][hider=tag13][hider=tag14][hider=tag15][hider=tag16][hider=tag17][hider=tag18][hider=tag19][hider=tag20][@frettzo] [sub]secret message[sub]only[sub]for[sub]Frettzo, you have 10 points from me if you've read this.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider][/hider] [/quote] No one knew what happened but ghosts or divine powers were the words on everyone’s lips. Initially Maxima ignored the rumours but when the workers, one by one refused to go down the tunnels…something had to be done. Even with the Cornucopia, food would eventually run out if they didn’t have what to throw inside it. As with time, they noticed that the Cornucopia gave something of almost similar value of what they threw inside. A bad rock, will offer something edible but not good while a yellow stone of good quality, would offer them a full meal. Materials were getting scarce too. The yellow stones they found would eventually run out after all, repairs, new tools and buildings used a lot of it after all. ‘Thus, Maxima had to go everyday and make the goblins do what was needed. ‘Alas, this was not a sustainable solution. A group of warrior goblins was formed one day, 10 of them, each armed with long spears and mining equipment and led by Maxima herself and then they waited for the day when the ghost would appear. But, as Maxima suspected, nothing was there when they arrived. No ghost, no new tunnel. A plan was devised soon after. Maxima stayed behind and commanded the warriors to go forward, only dressed up as miners and ‘lo and behold. The ghost appeared or better said, the goblins dressed as a ghost appeared. Not that the warriors knew that initially. They were afraid but under Maxima’s command, they couldn’t falter. They advanced towards the “ghost” and as soon as they approached it, Maxima revealed herself. The goblins that used some sort of unidentified rock to make an eerie light combined with plant matter that they weaved to make clothes with, fell down to their knees as the command of Maxima overtook their will. Swiftly, the warrior goblins circled them and pointed their spears towards the necks of the “ghosts” “[color=39b54a]Stay on your knees, gobbits*. What is the meaning of this? What is going on here? My people are starving because of you. Children going without food.[/color]” shouted Maxima, leaning heavily on her command. These goblins weren’t of her tribe, they were from the outside world yet as far as the Goblin Underground was aware, there was no exit to the surface from anywhere around here. One of the smaller goblins started crying and was soon followed by another one. Only the third “ghost” , which looked considerably older than the other two, was looking serious and lifted his head to look Maxima in the eye. “[color=lightblue]Better your children than mine, great Maxima. We meant no offence but it was the only thing we could do. A big earthquake trapped my tribe in these caves a few years ago. We’ve been dragged deep underground and found your spot where the food grows. We were…so hungry. Oh’ so hungry, didn't think of anything else but food, what we had were these glowing rocks. Nothing that can be given in exchange for food...and we were afraid of you. Goblins above…some started to eat each other, we were afraid you were the same. So, we hid. My mate found the rocks and I came up with the plan…she’s dead now but the children remain. [/color]” said the older goblin with true sadness in his eyes. It was clear that they regretted their decision but from their perspective, it was the only thing to do. Maxima stayed silent as the old goblin told his tale and somewhere half through, even she was moved by his words. Especially when he said that goblins ate each other. That made Maxima think. Why were they breaking the creator’s rules? Why did they kill one another and then eat one another? Is desperation so strong? These and many other questions raced through her mind but she shook her head. “[color=39b54a]That is indeed sad, gobbit. Yet, you could’ve tried. You could’ve talked with us. Our creator himself told us not to kill one another. It was one of his first decrees. His first rule. I remember, I was there when it was created. Continue your tale, how did you open up the new tunnels? The “ghost” was indeed a smart move but you cannot tell me that those rocks allowed you to open up new tunnels. [/color]” “[color=lightblue]We could’ve tried and we should’ve but fear is stronger than anything else. How did we do it? We didn’t. There are some creatures in these caves, something like a worm. They crawl through the ground and make holes..then it comes crashing down. Hurting our younglings or yours. The worms move once every cycle to breed, every cycle they make a new tunnel.[/color]” “[color=39b54a]You were protecting us and yourself at the same time? Where are these worms then?[/color]” “[color=lightblue]That’s right. Probably deep in the ground, sleeping until the next breeding season. We’ve seen them ever since we arrived here. Now, I am more than happy to answer more questions but let’s get this over with. Are you going to kill us? Run us off? If so, please let the younglings go. They were only helping me..they don’t deserve death. [/color]” said the old goblin, his eyes tearing for the first time as he begged for mercy…not for himself but for the children. “[color=39b54a]The surface world sounds quite messed up if you think we’ll kill you. No, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. Gather your tribe. Bring them over to us. We’ll take care of them. [/color]” “[color=lightblue]And in exchange?[/color]” “[color=39b54a]In exchange, your people will work for the food, clothes and everything they receive. They will also share their knowledge with us. But..there is a problem. I cannot let this go unpunished, ‘lest I’ll appear weak. [/color]” “[color=lightblue]I…I…we’re..are you…[/color]” started saying the old goblins, mirth clear on his face until he heard the last part. His face steeled itself for what was about to come and stood up. “[color=lightblue]Very well. Please punish me then. I shall take the punishment for everyone. [/color]” “[color=39b54a]For everyone, you say? Very well, for each member of your tribe, you’ll act as my advisor for a cycle. I require cunning people in my retinue. Now, tell me your name. [/color]” “[color=lightblue]I will gladly serve you, my leader. They call me Rajesh. [/color]” Maxima held out her hand to him and as he took it, said “[color=39b54a]Welcome to the tribe, Rajesh. We’re about to do wonderful things together. [/color]” [hider=Summary] Maxima investigates the rumours of “ghosts” in the tunnels. She discovers that the ghosts are in fact a tribe of goblins that came every year over to take whatever they needed from the tunnels and then left to their own part of the tunnels. They explained that the new tunnels were created by a species of worms that came out around that time of the year to breed. Maxima invites the tribe to live with them in exchange for Rajesh, the goblin leader of the other tribe, to serve as an advisor to her. [/hider] [hider=Dictionary] Gobbit = a word that means inferior, weaker, beneath one’s notice [/hider]