[@WhiteAngel25] [@Estylwen] [b][color=gray][h3]Roll up, drop that, skrt that, pop that.[/h3] [h1]"[i]Good [/i]boy."[/h1][/color] [h3][color=red]01:19[/color][/h3][/b] [b]"So... your pet? Satisfying, no?"[/b] Thierry stood there, not letting Von Galloes' remarks get to him. The man had a temper for sure, and used it often. He just responded differently to certain situations than Nick did. That and Thierry saw no point in wasting energy on a hologram. A damned simulation. Galloes would get his. They all did in the end. Nick silently glared at the hologram. Head swirling with a 1001 snide remarks. He never really understood how, but his husband made it look easy to keep one's cool. It took damn near all his mental ability to not blow up, but then Galloes finally made the [i]wrong [/i]remark. [b]"...[i]my [/i]facility."[/b] [i]And then there's[/i] this [i]asshole.[/i] That was it, Nick had heard enough for one lifetime. He reached to Thierry's left arm and pushed at his husband's utility watch. He pulled an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment, [b]"You're on Louvre property and you're trespassing. [i]Va te faire foutre[/i], motherfucker."[/b] Thierry tilted his head to Nick as Nick cocked the M16, [b]"[i]Good [/i]boy."[/b] Maybe it was years of dealing with Nick's antisocial behavior and trying to force his subordinate into being sociable. Or maybe Nick's sense of identity had finally rubbed off on him sometime after getting married. Or maybe yet, Thierry felt bad about Nick's current situation regarding the augmentations. Either way, as Nick shot at the various drones Stella had set off, Thierry pushed at some buttons on his watch. The screen changed a few times before reading: [h3][color=red][b]Loading Nick's playlist:[/b][/color][/h3] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4TM8bVXt9U[/youtube][/center] Then finally decided to pull out his own personal favorite, the FAMAS. The music blasting from Thierry's watch was almost as loud as the various explosions that were happening around the room. Downed drones turned into speakers as Aaron laughed at his computer screen. A quick glance and it seemed as if Ramses was enjoying himself as well. Opened laptop in one hand, Ak47 in the other. Nick found himself jumping around to the different beats. He mumbled to himself a few times as well ...[i]Up in here[/i]... easily turned into ...[i]you just pulled a pistol on the guy with a missile launcher[/i]... For the first time in a long time, Nick found himself having [i]fun[/i]... despite the seriousness of the situation. It was nice to not be down here all alone, even if he'd never verbally admit that to anybody other than Thierry. In the midst of all the gunfire, Stella was making Nick question his asexuality and possibly his marriage as well. That was until Thierry patted his arm. His husband was holding the electric bomb that Voidlight's VP had given him. Thierry looked at him with a charming smile and tossed the box, [b]"Target practice."[/b] The box had been aimed at The Beast that had produced Galloes. The blast the box produced as Nick's grenade hit it, knocked both Nick and Thierry to the floor. Nick was too busy taking out several other drones to really worry about his spouse or Codename Andrew. He figured Stella was taking care of #3 as well. Bits of plaster flew into the mix of sprayed bullets and twisted metal of the drones, causing Nick to look up. White flakes floated softly. It wasn't snowing, was it? Nick smirked. It was like Christmas up in this bitch. A large gaping crack in the wall pinpointed their way out of this hellhole. And with another reload to the launcher, sent several grenades in it's direction. The crack was now a large doorway that led back into the main part of the underwater cavern. Thierry pushed at his watch; The music stopped. [i]Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun.[/i]