[center][h3]Rorenville - Lumbermill[/h3] [h2][i][color=8882be]Night[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [@ChozoHunter][@Jerkchicken][@rawkhawk64] Night seemed to come quickly as the Valorbrands settled into hiding spots in the darkness of the lumbermill. The smell within was horrid, given all the viscera and corpses of various wildlife that littered the inside. Not to mention that of their poor victim, though all must be left untouched... For now. They were here to stake it out. Luckily, there was a roof that looked into the area, so those who could climb or benefited from a vantage point could stake it out there with the fresh air. It wasn't even guaranteed that their target would appear tonight either, so Afira had also asked that they be prepared to be in Rorenville for a little while. The team had also setup some traps in the lumbermill's surrounding area too, expecting escape to be an option their quarry would take. Reasonable, of course. Just some obstacles such as hidden spikes and pitfalls. That was the best they could do given the somewhat open field. Fortunately... It didn't seem they needed to wait long at all. The doors of the lumbermill creaked open. It can only be their target, as Lady Afira had explicitly asked the chief to not let anyone up to the mill until their business here was done. Unfortunately, however... Tonight was that of a new moon, and so the darkness was truly all-consuming. The sounds of whatever it is they were here for, were unusual... They did not suggest a large size. In fact... If they listened carefully, they could hear muttering, that of a person's even. Lady Afira herself could feel doubt entering her mind... She expected a beast of sorts, yet it was a man?... Or... Was it a villager? No, given the words being muttered, it couldn't be a villager. [i][color=9e0b0f]"... pay... the..'ll... laugh at ... me... I'll..."[/color],[/i] well... If their target turned out to just be a man, then this would be much simpler than they thought. Something wasn't right though... Yet still, the noble lady could not in good conscience strike down a fellow man without showing her face. She grabbed at the torch she had prepared and lit it up with a spark of magic, walking forward and illuminating the man who had entered. The rest can stay hidden for now if they like. [color=fff79a]"Good sir, stop right there, you are under arrest for the murder of various villagers within the northeast Hylian region, do not resist"[/color], she began. As soon as the light hit the man's face, he recoiled, as if in pain, screaming. His face was marred with small bulbs of flesh, and on further inspection he barely wore any clothes, only some rags around his waist, which exposed more of these red and black fleshy parts around his body. The man, also only had a single arm... So, this was Toltan? [color=fff79a]"One arm... You're Toltan aren't you?"[/color] [i][color=9e0b0f]"S-stay back! Stay back! No no no no no no no no! You're... Stop... Stop laughing at me! Go away!"[/color][/i], he began to flail around madly, those listening closely could hear something strange with his voice. Like a growl. [color=fff79a]"Calm down, w-we're not here to hurt you"[/color], which was of course, a bit of a lie. Still things had changed... Or so she thought. His eyes came into focus for a single moment as he looked at Afira, recognizing her armor, and any in Hyrule could recognize she was a Hylian Knight. [color=9e0b0f][i]"Youuu! It's all your fault!"[/i][/color], his demeanor changed, from recoiling away from the fire, to walking towards her, raising the one arm he had to attack. She stepped back and away, avoiding it, but as soon as it swung, the black and red bulbs on his arm grew in size, swinging again and striking her, causing her to stumble back. [color=fff79a]"What is...?" [/color]No one present could believe their eyes, the torchlight showing them as the man began to transform. A blood red shroud surrounding parts of his body as they jutted and grew in various directions. [color=9e0b0f][i]"You'll paaaayyyyy! You'll pay! Accursed captain I'll kill yoooouuuuuu!"[/i][/color], his voice was no longer that of a man's, but a beast's. It grew in size, rising more than several feet in height, and almost as much sideways, as a massive belly took form, with large, dough-like arms, and fat, thick, powerful legs, though short. The head was rocked back as it took form, but as soon as it's face came down to focus on Lady Afira, it's black dead eyes, stared directly at her, before smiling wide, showing thin rows of razor sharp teeth... Certainly answering how their victim had turned out they way they had. Was this what he saw, before he met his unfortunate end? [color=fff79a]"To arms...! To arms!"[/color] she called, snapping back into reality, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and surprise, drawing her blade before jumping back, getting some distance, even though it appeared to simply stand there, staring. Waiting.