[h1][color=2e8b57]Isla Gill[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=2e8b57]Location:[/color] Byjerlfal City, Commercial District Museum [color=2e8b57]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] She watched with saucer eyes as Sophie ran off and away to the distance, disappearing among the museum crowds, and suddenly Isla felt very, very alone. Sure she'd been the one to suggest it, thinking it'd be a normal day and a quiet museum, but…Sophie had agreed to it. And now there she was, just running off. The woman's statements flowed over her, through her with barely a shred of attention. The young girl turned about though, watching her walking off. She followed, almost desperate to clutch onto someone else among the museum crowds. The thought of just leaving the riotous building didn't even occur to her. Her mentions on Dancing brought Isla back, made her aware again of her little friend. Her hand was still wrapped about, hovering over his fur, and she could still feel his sleeping breath against her cheek. There he was, there he was…fingertips idly pet him, in one way absent-mindedly, in one way to keep herself grounded. Finally, though, they stepped through the door marked 'Staff Only' and she felt to one degree or another safe again. The noise was gone, the crowds were gone, and everything down there no longer seemed to exist. Isla let out a long breath. [Quote][i]“First, let me introduce myself properly. Lilian. Archaeologist with the Giervor Society. I was asked to take over a dig after an independent team found some…potentially groundbreaking discoveries. Unfortunately, said team also ended up damaging some of the artifacts with their carelessness.”[/i][/quote] [I]Lillian, Giervir Society[/i], interesting. She filed the names away, nodding along to the bits and pieces of information, to the questions that such bits of information produced. How groundbreaking were the discoveries, and how were they potential? Was it just a question of the details that had been damaged by…carelessness? Fossils could be fairly fragile, she knew that by the slow, steady movements that they'd treated the fossils with at the dig sites, but it could have been carvings instead. Early humans liked to do carvings and [i]that[/i] could be fragile. Or tools, something that would shift how they knew people to have to have settled in Eidda. It could be a dozen things. She stopped herself before she fell into considering all of them. Something important had been found and damaged, that was the core of it. She followed Lillian into the other room. Rock fragments, glass cases, empty drawers…the former she couldn't quite tell what it was, not without some closer looks, the latter clearer indicators of civilization. Glass blowing wasn’t an easy effort, after all, and it showed other bits of available advancements. She stared for a period, listening to the researcher go on. [Quote][i]“That’s basically it really. We found a new dig with some old stone writings related to some old myths and stories about how the Eidda region was formed. A…colleague damaged the artifacts and made much of it unreadable, so the Society has stepped in to take over…and forgive me for prying but do you have any historical or archaeological experience?”[/i][/quote] Stone writings…that was interesting. That they were on how the region formed was even more interesting…there were creation stories on everything but some of them always seemed to be true. At least, that's what she remembered on other regions. Maybe it was the same in Eidda. Much of it was unreadable…but that meant some of it was. That was better than nothing. She listened a bit more out of politeness, not wanting to interrupt to answer. A wild Pokémon…but with hammer-like tools. There [i]were[/i] some with similar hands, others could use tools even before being caught. It was possible, the young girl decided, definitely possible. Clearing her throat, Isla replied in a quieter voice. "A bit of experience in both, but mainly just…Pokémon research with my parents. In the Sevii Islands." [hr][hider=Pokémon | Inventory][color=2e8b57]Pokémon:[/color][list] [*] Dancing | Eevee | Level 5 | Anticipation | Pokéball Tackle, Tail Whip, Covet, Growl, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish [/list][color=2e8b57]Inventory:[/color] 2500p[list] 5 x Pokéball 3 x Potion [/list][/hider]