[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] Cafeteria [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] N/A [b][color=ff48a5]Costume: [/color][/b] Avenger's Academy Student. [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue was surprised by the fact that a Chaperone had decided to take an interest in her lack of a costume. Attention from adults quite frankly wasn't something she was used to getting, especially any that might be even vaguely negative. It was the natural consequence of her perfectionism and limited engagement, there just wasn't anything to remark on if she was doing her job correctly. She shrank back a bit looking away from him for a moment, clearly flustered at what had transpired. She gave a quiet, meek nod, and wasn't sure what to say in response, how bad was this? She looked back at him and said, "[color=ff48a5]Yeah, I just... didn't really have the time to put one together.[/color]" She said, not being entirely dishonest. Could she have put together a costume if she put her mind to it? Yeah, of course, but what would the point of that have been? [color=ff48a5]"More important things to focus on, you know?[/color]" It felt almost embarrassing to say that for some reason, something about it all hurt. She knew how to be a good student, it seemed, but personhood outside of that felt... unreachable. She had friends and connections, sure, but how did she get more than that? What was it everyone else understood that she didn't?