[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520041678032207887/1165163575346741248/Ro_Nuul_Banner.png?ex=6545da24&is=65336524&hm=89fadac309ebccc142af7e29a241893047271e8610d54bf15fa583277dab0704&[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520041678032207887/1165163575116046476/Ro_Nuul_Banner_2.png?ex=6545da24&is=65336524&hm=6f6c183e2107115f4371c0bcffaf30e00e61ba7a5187b623b514dee021b0b8a4&[/img][/center] [right][b][color=82ca9d]Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector[/color][/b] [sup][sup]Interacting with [@Sep][/sup][/sup][/right][hr] Ro Nuul politely nodded, his hands remaining clasped behind his back. He felt his gaze wander outside, watching the ships and people outside moving in a chaotic harmony. More had survived, which was always good to hear. A few less the cyborg had taken from the Jedi... not enough, but any singular life was a celebration. Focusing on the destruction had led many down a dark path, even within the Enclaves. He knew better than to let his heart dwell on it too much. [quote]Koren bowed his head. [color=lightblue]"My affiliation in the Galaxy is to my Queen, and my desires are hers."[/color] He smiled kindly at the Kel Dor. [color=lightblue]"Right now, the Separatists have probed our borders. We have a strong fleet, but I doubt we could withstand a sustained attack."[/color] Koren shrugged. He signaled to one of his guards who moved away to call down the shuttle. [color=lightblue]"I suppose we are in need of friends."[/color] He sighed. [color=lightblue]"How do I wish for the Consortium to fit in? That is not my place to say. I'm here too make contact and report back. I can advise my Queen, I can't make decisions on her behalf."[/color] He raised his hand, his tone shifting to jovial as a smile crossed his face. [color=lightblue]"It's a marriage thing."[/color][/quote] Ro Nuul nodded politely, feeling through the force yet again that the two were isolated and alone enough to speak plainly. [color=82ca9d]"I do not believe the Masters of the Order expected so many of our rank to end up betrothed within their lifetimes... I have found my obligations in far less cheerful and loving company, I am afraid."[/color] Ro Nuul's cheeks contorted into the closest it could get to a cheeky grin, before his voice dropped a little in volume with a serious tone. [color=82ca9d]"As for your queen and our people, Prince... you have options, however limited, when it comes to allies. But any assistance will always come at a cost."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"The simplest method of obtaining aid is to contract a Mandalorian Banner, though their ability to provide assistance and aid may be restricted under this Republic's charters and articles. The Mandalorians are well known and well-respected for their talents in the arts of war. They would most certainly prove to be the most expensive in terms of exchanging currency. This is the most you can expect of the Mandalorians, for the [i]Iron Truce[/i] will proclude you from any aid or support from the army itself. Our government has chosen a more isolationist approach to dealing with the CIS."[/color] Ro Nuul's tone was anything but subtle. The very name of the Bes'hakajir seemed almost painful for the Jedi to utter. He did not hesitate much as he continued. [color=82ca9d]"As for the other galactic governments... and I speak with candor when I say this, I worry they may prove even more difficult to work with. The Alsakani can provide little aid or reliability, the Correllians are only interested in their own borders, and the Empire rarely provides aid to a world without assimilating it into its ever-expanding border... it's hardly a surprise why little has been done about the CIS in decades."[/color] Ro Nuul turned his gaze back to Koren. [color=82ca9d]"However... I do not wish to dissuade you from making connections while you are here. This Founding Celebration is a good opportunity to meet with advisors and envoys from all across this galaxy. If you need any introductions... I am more than happy to help schedule a meeting."[/color] Ro Nuul's voice became less grave, instead finally matching the humorous tone Koren has used before. [color=82ca9d]"Of course, I am trying to avoid my obligations to entertain a few of my aristocratic colleagues... so I would not mind accompanying you for a while longer, your highness."[/color]