Stella held her glare at Von Galloes while he threatened #3's life. She ignored the burning sensation that she melted through her leather jacket. The hell he would touch her. Stella would see to it personally that he would eat his own words. Her icy eyes turned even colder when Von Galloes mentioned her mother. What did he know about her mother? He was never around. He had someone else take his place as her father. Stella was convinced of it. Stella stood until the hologram was discontinued. She turned her gaze back to #3, her eyes softened while her lips curled into a gentle smile. Stella knelt and tilted #3's chin to peer into her eyes. [b]"You don't need to bow, 3. Your life is just as important as anyone else's. It is why we didn't leave Nick behind. His life matters too,"[/b] she murmured as her thumb wiped away a couple of stray tears from #3's cheeks. The white-haired young woman stood back up, dusted off her knees, and studied the band of four men. She exhaled in slight exhaustion but ultimately knew that they had to keep going. [b]"Well, shall we continue, gentlemen?"[/b] Stella asked as she gestured towards the blown-up wall. [b]"This is where my expertise is restricted, I'm afraid. I do not know this facility outside of being captured within that simulation,"[/b] she explained as it seemed that Thierry, Aaron, and Ramses, maybe even Nick, had further knowledge about this facility.