[center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Breakthrough Crew] Liliana had to cover her mouth to keep from making any noise, the sheer disrespect for the dead present making her sick to her stomach. Before coming to these islands, Liliana had never known "death" beyond the romantic. Novels and stories of lovers choosing to die with each other, knights dying for glory, the death of a demon bringing happiness but... There wasn't any purpose to these deaths. These lives discarded like garbage and left to rot. It made the tiny fairy's arms tremble, her sword's mental suggestions the only thing keeping her from charging in recklessly. ...The Varjans would have to pay, sooner or later. After being broken from her stupor by a raindrop nearly sending her to the ground, Liliana would make haste to the barracks while her invisibility held up, slipping in beside a Varjan rushing inside to take shelter. Black armored soldiers lined the bunks and huddled for warmth, giving Liliana plenty of time to try and spot any ranking officer's among them. Of course, she had no idea what a Varjan officer looked like, mostly assuming they had giant horns and ate babies for breakfast, but the only one to stand out was a bare-chested man with javelins that seemed to be getting some admiration from his fellow Varjans. That had to be the guy but...if Liliana started a fight here, she'd definitely have trouble getting out in one piece. As such, it was time to...improvise a little. Fairies weren't particularly clever in many ways, but there was exactly one, one definitive way that a fairy was always smarter than anyone else: Playing pranks! ...Well, maybe pixies were better at that, but...fairies were a close second place! Thinking on her wings, Liliana quickly flitted about the room, starting to cause minor annoyances that could absolutely be pinned on another Varjan. A slight tugging of a blanket, a slap on the rear, and a dash of magic on herself, doubling Haste and Invisibility up in order to flit around as a whirlwind of whimsy, doing her damndest to make sure these Varjans were at each other's throats...and, hopefully overhear something to prove whether the man with many javelins was an officer, or just a decorated mook. [color=f49ac2][i]"I hope everyone else has more luck...but now, if the soldiers are all heading inside, maybe they'll have more luck looking in the manor,"[/i][/color] the fairy thought, constantly preparing herself in case she got caught. [hr] [center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Enkryption] After a long session of hand-holding and battery charging, Eula was right as rain once more and would depart from the building her and Carroll were hold up in. In truth, she wasn't sure if the efficiency had actually increased but...it felt nice, having someone to cling to. Perhaps they could charge together again later. With a few words of thanks, the terse Automaton would idly wonder if any tarts remained before overhearing a nearby conversation. ...It seemed the people's faith in Lord Oja was such that they believed him capable of solving everything if he were freed. Confidence like that doesn't come unwarranted, in times like these. Eula couldn't stand to just wait and recover...and, as long as she was at least helping somehow, it didn't necessarily have to jeopardize her gradual repairs. Eula would pause as she walked, considering what could be done...before figuring, going at it alone would be foolish. There had to be something she could do... Turning to her companion, Eula would say: [color=a187be][b]"I've heard that a lord's wife has gone missing. Do you think that if we found her, it might help alleviate the people's worries a bit?"[/b][/color] A simple plan, but...it was better than just sitting around.