[@WhiteAngel25] [@Estylwen] [color=gray][h3][b]New beginnings; same ol' mission.[/b][/h3][/color] [b]"You all... saved me."[/b] Aaron blinked groggily while looking up from his laptop, [b]"I'm almost surprised there aren't more subjects to save. But it seems like HiveMind is a master of trickery."[/b] [b]"You got a name little girly?"[/b] Ramses asked as he looked down to the small girl. He had closed his laptop with a bit of a snap then folded his arms. While the four of them talked amongst themselves, exchanging real names and tiny bits of information about themselves, Thierry had gotten into a bit of a heated argument with Nick. [i]Again[/i]. But this time it was a little less loud and a little less talky. Sentences between the two grew shorter up until Stella mentioned not knowing anything about the place, [b]"Right."[/b] Thierry pulled away from Nick while neither man showed signs of embarrassment, then continued, [b]"Well to be frank, all those files got [i]lost[/i]. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way."[/b] [b]"Yeah. There's no signal down here."[/b] Ramses patted his laptop, but looked confused at the lost files comment. Was Thierry lying? He shrugged the impossibility aside then added, [b]"This damn thing's useless without a connection to a database."[/b] Thierry was playing a dangerous game, but The Louvre had made it clear that The Egyptian and Smithsonian Museums weren't to have access to any of the files surrounding HiveMind or the likes. At least not until several meetings had passed, but those meetings were days away despite being of the emergency variety. What the hell was an associate of little power to do? Minds had been made up after the meeting with The Council and there simply wasn't anything else the man could say to charm his way out of it. Just being able to tell Nick was a liability in and of itself. And while his spouse didn't particularly care to hide things from Aaron and Ramses while on the field, it simply wasn't his call. And they'd be damned if anybody thought Thierry was willing to lose his job over this.