[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/dubiel-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230308/7cee190f21ec5c75f3b23ce36b29b31e.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [color=#fbb6cb]"H-How long has she been like this...?"[/color] Asahi leaned in and whispered to Juro while Ayana, or as whoever it was that called itself Oros the Clumsy, kept babbling on about Akito's fate, seeing the future, accepting the truth, so on and so forth. Wasn't there like documentaries about cult leaders or something like that? He was pretty sure Japan had some of those too and he was also pretty certain he was looking at one right now. He looked at the other Awakened to see their reaction and see what they knew about Ayana's case. It couldn't possibly be a manifestation of her Fascimile, a unique ability so powerful it spawned another being inside her that had consciousness and a way with words. Could it really foresaw the future or was it all just bibble-babble to make it [i]seem[/i] like it's all knowing? [color=#fbb6cb]"You claim you can see someone's future with your... Endless Eclipse or whatever it is you call it."[/color] Asahi said to... He'll just call it as Oros because it was clear Ayana was not talking at all. [color=#fbb6cb]"How about you use that power of yours to find out a way how to fet us out of here? Assuming we do want to accept your 'truth', what assurance can we get that you can protect us with your power when you can't even heal the injured or fight back against monsters? Did you even help setting up the camp? At least cook the fish, forage for anything to eat? What else did you do besides spitting out saliva everywhere?"[/color] He didn't know why but for some odd reason, this Oros was getting on the pink lad's nerves. [color=#fbb6cb]"I don't know what kind of abomination you are, some sort of parasite or whatever, and I don't care anymore. That is [i]Ayana's[/i] body you're staying in. Not yours, [i]hers[/i]. Besides, I will not allow you to divide us even more than we already are. We barely survived the mornings and nights with all of us together. So take your righteous crap and shove it up yours. Leave Ayana's body now, or else..."[/color] Asahi flexed his fingers and his pink threads waved around like a jellyfish's tentacles in the open sea. [color=#fbb6cb]"I'll make you leave."[/color]