[h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=FF9A4F][b]Gear[/b][/color]: A hot ass dress [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F20%2F04%2Fa4%2F2004a4b876602c0022363b57b15b2bdb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c0437569cdd10c6f1efae9b432477e0a7c4a4e95121921ac9145c77044f26d1b&ipo=images]Oh god oh fuck[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [color=ff9a4f]”Someone [i]hacked[/i] you? The hell?”[/color] Normally, Leah didn’t have a clue what in the god damn fuck Danni was saying. But now she sort of did. [color=ff9a4f]”Nice time to find out. But we can worry about that later.”[/color] Leah didn’t actually have any sort of social media that these people had. She didn’t know what Disney movie “Filterella” was from or what the fuck a SuperLoop was, because Leah did not have any reason for it. She was raised to not trust people, and that included a man who could find her anywhere she went, so having a presence online didn’t sit right with her. Of course, taking pictures with her friends put her on edge for similar reasons. Was it rational? No. Was it true? Sort of, but she liked feeling like she was actually in the group for once. So she moved around to get into place for their pictures. When they took the pictures, Leah didn’t smile. There wasn’t any reason behind it, she just didn’t think to. It didn’t occur to her that people usually smiled in these kinds of pictures. And [i]of course,[/i] April wanted to take even more. That was fine. [color=ff9a4f][i]”…Star Whores?[/i] Do I even want to know where the hell [i]that[/i] came from?”[/color] Briefly, Leah wondered if April considered herself a whore. And then she thought to herself that she’d still love April the same if that was the case. [color=ff9a4f]”So… ‘Bine. Who did what to what when hacked you?”[/color] She asked Sabine, assuming April would take a hot minute (and she [i]was[/i] hot as fuck in that dress) to take her pictures with the “Star Whores.”