[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Tyaethe's reaction to the raincloud was a stream of muttered cursing in Ithillane--intelligible enough to tell that the girl clearly wasn't happy about this turn of events, but distinct enough from Thaln that it wouldn't be clear exactly what she was saying without speaking the language. "This one is a new recruit," she said, sighing. "I feel like we've just gained a dog instead." Well, whenever the knights had had dogs for various reasons, they were generally better trained... although, she hadn't been too involved in that side of things. She couldn't train [i]people[/i], let alone puppies. And they were too cute to subject to any sort of training that might come to mind. "Unfortunately, we can't keep hunting down any last rebels, recent events in the capital suggest we're going to need all the strength we have available..." What followed was a brief summary of everything from the assassination attempt onwards. Jeremiah, after all, had been part of the same extinguishing of rebels. "So, yes, as Amy suggests, a prayer might be in order. Though I hardly think it should be celebratory..."