[Center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/392257844256440322/1167983549954138263/Black_Simple_Coffee_Landscape_Banner_20231028_202917_0000.png?ex=65501c72&is=653da772&hm=da672e95acc650204e9241009d90c2ca6b44470a316d30f6e87b09de0b229da2&[/img][hr] Location: D&D Dorm Skills: [color=E948FC] Pyrokinesis[/color], [color=CC99FF]Astral Projection[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=E948FC]“Yeah, Princess is right! You gotta do photos, group photos, and t’en mini-group photos, silly Beanie! I'd try ta convince everyone fir individual photos but time ain't permittin’ t'at one.”[/color] Danni sighed as he fiddled with his locket (costume or not, that ain't ever coming off),casting a critical look over the photos. They were def kick ass, the costumes were on fucking point, even if Spicy did ruin the overall vibe but he was a bit of a stick in the mud so it was on brand. What did annoy him was that in not a single God damned photo did Leah smile. How were they not going to have a smiling Scorpia? She was the god damn friendship is magic character in the Horde and is all about hugs and smiles and just good things all around! He knew she was a damn land mine with the emotional range of an avalanche but [i]come on[/i]... [color=E948FC]“Not even one smile, Leah? I took like ugh, seven of t’ese.”[/color] Danni whined at her, stomping his foot. [color=E948FC]“I'll let it slide t’is time ‘cause you still look hot as fuck but next time we do group photos, we don't stop ‘til we get a smile!”[/color] Still, he shrugged off his irritation at Leah in favor of pictures with his besties. He wanted individual ones of course - Seahawk with fire around him ‘cause he’s always setting ships on fire, Princess in Perfuma’s signature pose, and himself lounging like Double Trouble up against the wall. Then group photos of the three - serious ones in their poses, silly ones where Danni tried to capture Princess or Dee, and a few with them just being themselves. Danni marked one to be printed out later - he still had some frames he could hang on his dorm wall! Dorian watched as his best friend fiddled with his locket. He wondered what was going on in his head as he stared at the photos they had just taken. He was about to ask, to see if Danni would open up in front of the rest of them when he suddenly called Leah out. While Dorian certainly didn't expect that mountain to move enough for a smile, Danni did have a point that their Scorpia needed to at least have one photo in which she's smiling. He posed for the photos, doing SeaHawk pose as flames kicked behind him as if he'd set his ship on fire. Another of April carrying Dorian bridal style while Danni tried to “capture them”. It's what he'd expected of the group photos, though he guessed this new group was still a little stiff. [Color=CC99FF]”Well if Perce ‘ere isn't opposed to t'e idea t'en I'd love some pics wit’ ‘im!.”[/color] Dorian stopped and looked at Danni, eyes rolling as he dared ask him a question. [Color=CC99FF]” ‘ave any in mind?”[/color] [color=E948FC]“Dee, Polts, ‘auntlin’, darlin’, I [i]always[/i] ‘ave ideas. Now, gimme a little space ta work my magic on Spicy ‘ere.”[/color] Danni grinned at Percy, circling him as he abandoned all pretense of personal space. A nudge to the foot, push on an elbow, and the adjustment of his shoulders, and Danni waved Dee over to stand in front of him. [color=E948FC] “T'is'll be a fuckin’ awesome pic, but I gotta ask. You trust me, right?”[/color] [Color=CC99FF]”Unequivocally”[/color] [color=E948FC]“T’en fall.”[/color] Danni said cheerily as he tripped Dee straight into Percy's arms. Just as he planned, it looked like Percy had dipped Dee rather than Danni gleefully tripping his best friend. Danni fiddled with his locket again with one hand on his hip, looking over the pair. [color=E948FC]“Now be gross and stare inta each ot'er's eyes lovingly or whatever you crazy kids do t'ese days while I work on t'e finishin’ touches.”[/color] There was a short yelp as Dorian felt himself lose control and fall backwards. Lucky for him Percy had caught him. He'd had no time to complain, hardly listening to what Danni was saying as he'd instantly been lost in Percy's eyes, a slight breath leaving him like an adoring sigh as he swooned at the motion. He felt weightless, as if time had frozen them in place, and for a moment he'd forgotten about the others in the room. Threatening to close the space between their lips before Dannis voice pierced back in. The lighting was off, Danni decided as he looked at the picture in front of him. It took everything in him not to scoff at them, wrapped up in their only little world, but he couldn't resist the eye roll. They [i]barely[/i] knew each other. At least the royal trio were more than moderately acquainted. Still, it was a good picture so he kept his mouth shut, even if there was something uncomfortable threatening to bubble up from his chest. But, turning his attention back to more pressing matters, Danni opened his plan and fire crackled to life. He blew it towards the pair and shimmering flames the size of candles hovered around them. It softened everything around them, giving it a warmer glow than the dorm lights ever could, and he was snapping picture after picture - two or three from every angle. The candle light was beautiful, wrapping the pair into a romantic scene that simply whisked Dorian away. He hadn't noticed how many photos Danni had taken, or how long it was taking. But one of his legs slipped slightly on the tiled floor, he felt more of his weight press against Percy's hands and embarrassment weld up inside of him. He closed his eyes, his body reactively phasing him out as he slipped between Percy's fingers only to phase back in just before he hit the ground. [Color=CC99FF]”I'm alright. I'm fine. But maybe t'e ot'ers can ‘ave a go while I sit down.”[/color] Danni giggled as Dee phased through Percy. [color=E948FC]“Okie dokie artichokie! Just don't lay too long lover bird, or you'll wrinkle your costume.[/color] Danni teased Dee, though he did pat Percy's head. [color=E948FC]“Good job stayin’ still for t'e pics! Didn't t'ink you ‘ad it in you. You are a freshie of mysteries!”[/color] Danni waved away the fire in the air and turned to the royal trio. [color=E948FC]“Okay, t'is is my vision. At least 3 photos, each wit’ a different person in t'e middle. Beanie, you in t'e middle first, sword tip down in front of you and Princess and Leak kissin’ you on each side. Princess in the middle next, Beanie and Leah kissin’ Beanie's hand like knights ta a princess, and t’en Leah…”[/color] Danni tapped his locket, thinking, thinking thinking. Leah didn't usually feature in pictures so maybe they're do a different route. [color=E948FC] “Maybe Leah standin’ front and center, aggressively, wit’ Beanie and Princess looking over ‘er shoulders, kinda like she's defendin’ t’em? Or back ta back ta back, Beanie and Princess in profile while Leah is in t’e front?”[/color]