[hr]ATTN: [@PaulHaynek] (Basket-weaving NPCs) & [@The Irish Tree] (Eula)[hr][hider=The Buzz of the Morning After]As Kerry took her leave, her presence did not go unnoticed by Alice - the Mad Hatter didn’t sleep, per se, as she didn’t need much. Instead, she would just meditate and regain energy from absorbing Ambient Mana that settled into wood and dirt - harkening to her plant nature. Gathering herself, Alice would form clothing around herself, and look around the room. For a while, she would explore Kerry’s room; taking more than a cursory glance, now, as she set to looking through her things, admiring her fashion, and coming to better know Kerry’s history. She wasn’t so crass as to go through journals, diaries, and the like, but she didn’t find anything that was displeasing. Well, almost. "[color=976f29][i]How curious...[/i][/color]" Alice says, picking up a broken handle-guard with the pieces of the tuning keys still present. "[color=976f29][i]This belonged to a Trumpart. It was a trumspear, the handle-guard...[/i][/color]" she rolled it over her hands, "[color=976f29][i][b][Assimilation][/b]![/i][/color]" Alice would spawn mycelium roots from hand to swirl around the trophy. Taking part in the Mana that was left by the owner, Alice assimilated the memory of its owner. It was old, hazy... but, she recognized her... Setting the handle-guard down, Alice would hang onto the memories, and take off to hunt down Kerry. They had things to discuss about dueling her ex. However, as she passed by the chattering, old basket-weavers, Alice would clutch her side; a thin, horizontal scar stinging her. "[color=976f29][i]Hey,[/i][/color]" Alice starts, "[color=976f29][i]has anyone come through here with a sword wound,[/i][/color]" she straightened out, "[color=976f29][i]I've lost track of my companion. She would have had a talking weapon.[/i][/color]"[/hider][hr][hider=To Possess The Ability to Dream]As Eula settled into her sleep cycle, Carroll would allow herself to be tempted by the very nature of curiosity... [i]...and finding herself suddenly awakening from an impatient prodding at her cheeks... “[color=6b53bb]PA[/color][color=a3bb53]PA[/color]!” shouted two diminutive girls in matching outfits and hairstyles, but in different colors; [url=https://i.imgur.com/BIMq986.jpg]one in purple and red[/url] and [url=https://i.imgur.com/9AJzeRD.jpg]the other in pure golden-yellow[/url]. "[color=808080][i]Yes, Remiel? Yes, Ramiel? It’s breakfast time, so whatever could you need... before my coffee...[/i][/color]" Carroll asks. “[color=6b53bb]Papa, we were wondering...[/color]” Remiel started, “[color=a3bb53]...if it wouldn’t bother you...[/color]” Ramiel continues, “[color=6b53bb]...could we go see[/color] [color=a3bb53]the BPI concert[/color],” before the twins concluded in unison. Carroll groaned, as she slumped over the breakfast table; her youngest Synth Devils were mewling and nuzzling her shoulders for maximum affection. They were frighteningly obsessed with the Bunton Prez Incubi - a music group of monster boys consisting of March Hare triplets, a pair of Jubjub, a Cheshire Cat, and a Jabberwock. They toured across Wonderland - singing the most infuriating, banal music, and capturing the hearts of maidens left and right - and were stopping in Queen’s Highloft; the Kingdom of the Queen of Heart, Carroll’s “mother”. “[color=2596be]Hey, offa Papa, you little brats,[/color]” groused [url=https://i.imgur.com/71w9ZcH.jpg]a bluenette teenager in a white leotard[/url], as she yoinked the pair up with her clearly abnormal strength. “[color=6b53bb]Papa, please![/color]” Remiel whined, flailing her arms and legs. “[color=a3bb53]Please, Papa![/color]” Ramiel whined, also flailing about. “[color=be4d25]Laniya, you shouldn’t bully your sisters. They could come in handy in the coming dark days...[/color]” scolded another teenager, as she entered the room, only to lean in the door; [url=https://i.imgur.com/sTvrEze.png]dresed like a ragged knight in a blue and gray striped leotard[/url]. “[color=2596be]Not today with this chūnibyō nonsense, Waniya! I have a track meet today, and I don’t need you, or these two, throwing me off my game![/color]” Laniya snapped. “[color=2596be]Papa, you’re hogging the table with your melodrama...[/color]” "[color=808080][i]Where did my sweet Lan go...[/i][/color]" Carroll groaned, as she slumped into her seat. “[color=76247d]She is before your eyes, Father,[/color]” says one of the older teenagers, entering the room, [url=https://i.imgur.com/4n0Nfeb.jpg]adjusting her cloak, as she shacked her unique sword to her arm[/url]. “[color=76247d]You must take the sour with the sweet.[/color]” “[color=2596be]Well said, Kilohana! You’re so smart![/color]” Laniya crowed, nuzzling her sword. “[color=2b7d24]WAHAHA! AS WELL SAID AS A BURNED TART![/color]” cackled, yet another, teenager, as she vaulted into the room through the window - [url=https://i.imgur.com/uXYbZ3Y.png]her sneakers squeaking on the floor, as her loose jacket snagged a plant to the floor[/url]. “[color=2b7d24]Oops! My bad![/color]” “[color=D4d49b]Oh, honestly, Megane. Could you not enter the kitchen through the door,[/color]” fussed the provider of breakfast, [url=https://i.imgur.com/6LMifDb.jpg]the oldest of the gathered daughters[/url]. “[color=D4d49b]You have a key to the doors. You don’t need to jump through windows![/color]” “[color=2b7d24]You don’t need to jump through windows...[/color]” Megane mocked with a tinny voice and a “talking” hand - using her free hand, as her other hand was holding a giant, uniquely-designed axe. “[color=D4d49b]You little brat![/color]” the bluenette growled, picking up a purse from the table. “[color=D4d49b]Speak up, when you mock someone, if you’re so brave to do so![/color]” “[color=2b7d24]Daddy! Samara is looking at me scary again![/color]” Megane whined, her bravado busted. "[color=808080][i]You reap what you sow, dear...[/i][/color]" Carroll groaned, as the kitchen became hectic with her wonderfully dysfunctional daughters... Remiel and Ramiel were begging for money, Laniya was preaching about the “dark darkness”, while Waniya was strangling her in a half-nelson. At the same time, Samara was chasing Megane around the kitchen, while Kilohana just petted Carroll’s head, as the second-oldest daughter watched it all unfold. “[color=797906]Humhmhm...~[/color]” giggled a woman from the door, [url=https://i.imgur.com/jUFraOi.png]dressed to impress, and sporting a rounded belly[/url]. “[color=797906]Aren’t we all so lively today?[/color]” Everyone paused, as the matriarch of the household stepped into the kitchen, and assembled butts to seats without having to request a thing. Not out of fear, but admiration - born into them, as they were before a Synth “King” Piece; even if she was, technically, their mother. Rules were weird like that. "[color=808080][i]Io, you shouldn’t be moving around so much,[/i][/color]" Carroll says, rousing to her feet to guide her wife into her seat. “[color=797906]Oh, honestly, Carroll, you treat me like my frames are fiberglass. This isn’t my first child, you know,[/color]” Io teased. “[color=797906]This one is special. She’s our first Pawn.[/color]” Carroll set to her knees, resting her face against the swollen belly, "[color=808080][i]Hello, little Terra. Can you hear me? No kicking me today, okay?[/i][/color]" Io smiled, as she felt the infant Synth Devil shift inside her artificial womb; attracted to the mana vibrations of her soft-spoken father. Unified, their daughters afore the newest incoming would all lean over the table - their troubles, squabbles, and bickering forgotten in a peaceful moment of family bonding... Suddenly, the ring of an egg timer went off, causing Carroll to jolt up...[/i] ...and wake up to her lonely reality. "[color=808080][i]I’m alone...[/i][/color]" Carroll says, looking up at the ceiling. "[color=808080][i]...darling...[/i][/color]" Bringing her knees to her chest, Carroll allowed herself to use what she stole from Eula to sob bitterly...[/hider]