[center][h1][b][color=violet]Clarissa Ryte[/color][/b][/h1] [i]Wailord's Rest Cafe, Industrial District, Byjerfal City (Urban Exploration)[/i][/center] [quote]“Oh, you after them Murkrow? Ugh, those nuisances are always bullying Wobby here.” Beryl harrumphed. “Wobbu…“ Wobbuffet shrunk slightly. Literally, deflating its body a bit at the mention of the Murkrow.[/quote] Sir Lopsalot would stare for a moment at the momentarily-deflated Wobbuffet, before lightly hopping off of Clarissa's shoulder. Lightly making his way over to the other Pokemon, the Buneary would lightly pat the sad Wobbuffet in what looked like a consoling sort of manner. Well, do more than just attempt to console the poor bullied Pokemon at least. He seemed to try to chatter with it, as if trying to encourage or motivate the poor soul, though what he was saying in particular was not something a human would likely understand at least. "Bun...bun bun! Bun bun. Bun? Bun!" The Buneary then looked back at Clarissa, giving her a small nod as their eyes breifly met, before returning to the other Pokemon to try to socialize with Wobbuffet at least. Though to the psychic trainer, it felt like....ah. Sir Lopsalot was getting even more heated to find those Murkrow himself now, wasn't he? Didn't seem to react until they'd been told the Wobbuffet was being bullied by them anyway. Hmm. [quote]“Normally they ain’t out durin the day but if they were, they’re probably having a scuffle with them Starly that live over in the Resort and Commercial districts. Miss Keira loves those birds. If you wanna find some you might try your luck once night comes? Otherwise I think I saw a few roosting up in the roofs of some of the warehouses. There's a few of 'em normally roost out there by that old toy factory's roof, but uh, not easy getting up there and they usually got a huge flock. As for our menu…” [/quote] Miss Keira? That was the second time she'd heard that name mentioned since the airport, actually, from the mouth of the bodyguard who'd been glaring at her after a certain Valarie had pressured her into taking a VIP ticket. Ugh...she still had to go to that too later, unless she wanted to create more trouble for herself in a bad way. Plus it would be a bit too rude to not come, really. But maybe before then she could at least find a Murkrow to catch and call her own. Perhaps even get it to tell the cafe girl there was one less Murkrow to harass her own Pokemon? Er, she was still trying to think things through if they got to that point even. [color=violet]"Who is Miss Keira, by the way? Someone at the airport earlier mentioned her near me as well, really, and that she likes Buneary as well. I'm a bit curious now."[/color] It was certinaly a question worth asking now, since someone else had mentioned the mysterious woman's name. But to like the Murkrow as well as Buneary? A peculiar sort of style this person had when it came to Pokemon. Felt oddly familiar to her own tastes for the moment being, at least, as well. But they at least had some information on where to go for getting a Murkrow during the daytime too. Old toy factory, she'd said? Plus resting in the roof of some warehouses at that. Could also wait for the night and after the contest and so forth was all over with as well, perhaps, but it at least made them easier to look for in terms of 'location' if nothing else. Though marching all the way to the Commercial District again or all the way to the Resort District just to look for Murkrow fighting the local Starly was not something of a motivator after making their way all the way over here. Hmm. [quote]Beryl grinned, taking a few steps towards Clarissa. “...welll…how about this. Since you’re new trainers and its ya first time here how about I do a little favor. Half price anything ya want. As for our special, well, today its a stew made with fresh deep-sea fish, served with a loaf of fresh bread, and a few other things I would definitely totally recommend, promise.”[/quote] E-Eh?! The psychic was taken a little aback as she was snapped out of her thoughts by Beryl stepping a bit closer and grinning at her. Reminded her of Valarie back in the airport, and...ahhhhhabababababa...that was not something that was a fun memory right now at least. However, it was not nearly as disruptive as the crowded airport had been for her nerves if nothing else. Didn't feel as...'intrusive' either? That felt like the right word. Still, Beryl was enough to lightly rustle the psychic trainer for a brief moment before she returned to her usual re-asserted level of calm once more. This time at least without another nervous stu- [color=violet]"T-Thank you, Miss Beryl, for your generosity. I'd be interested in the special for today, a-actually."[/color] -never mind. Dangit. Yet on a more famliar note, her family had been to the harbor before back in Orre and had some food there once in a while at the restaurant there. In that vein seafood wasn't a common thing for her, but it had been special to go out as a family in those days when they could spend time together. Her father was gone for long periods of time back when they lived in Orre, and it had been a bit lonely to say the least sometimes. Enough to get them to visit the lab and such every so often to see him, maybe talk a bit, before having to make the trip back home again. Sometimes he'd invite them along if he had to go to the port to oversee another import of Pokemon to the region on behalf of the lab. So the idea of a good stew with fresh bread and such was....a bit nostalgic to her as it had been described, really, if nothing else. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Bartimaeus]