[h2][color=gray]Voidlight Headquarters, basement research labs, floor -8, security clearance: 4 out of 6, Lab 4B, Doctor Nova Ashford's office[/color][/h2] Despite the conditions outside of this building being poor for the lungs, Nova still wished to get out of this basement sometimes. Couldn’t they have put the labs on a higher level? Where she could [i]actually[/i] have a window to look out of, and not this sad excuse of a hologram window displaying any scenery she would like? Though she had to admit, it was nice to switch from being in Japan to New York to the streets of Mumbai at the flick of a wrist. But in the end, it wasn’t real. She knew the answer to why, something about the stability of the matter being researched. Something, something, blast-proof ceilings, something, something, secretive mumbo-jumbo. Whatever. It paid well. And she had her own office. Still, Nova leaned her chin on the palm of her hand and watched people walk Shibuya crossing on the fake window beside her desk. The sight interested her for a while until she pulled herself back from whatever energy dip she was experiencing. She looked at the small plant on her desk. A succulent. What else would survive here but a plant that didn’t need sunlight, and overworked researchers? With a groan, she pressed her palms on the edge of her desk and pushed her chair backwards before standing. With her empty coffee mug in hand, she traversed the office space past the big glass panels with a view of her team of researchers doing God knows what. In the small break area, she shoved her mug under the coffeemaker and pressed the button. Turning, she leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms. When she was first offered this job, she definitely thought it was going to be more exciting. Some days, the most exciting thing that would happen to her is catching a glimpse of the Vice President walking the halls. She should probably display him on her fake window, that was a sight to see. Yet, with every new thing they discover, Nova was reminded why she liked it so much. At the very least, Voidlight invested in some really good coffee. Nova took the now-filled steaming mug from the machine and walked the same way back, raising an eyebrow at the researcher within the safe area. She swore to God that if Brenda dropped something again, causing a lockdown just before the workday was over, Nova would personally shove the woman from the roof of this highrise. She had only just taken the very first sip of her coffee when someone knocked on the glass door of her office. After glancing to the side, she noticed it was one of the security guys. Ugh, what now? Frowning, she pressed the button on her desk that opened the door and the man stepped. He looked about just as excited to be here right now as she was. [b]”Doctor Nova Ashford? The Vice President requests a meeting with you.”[/b] Nova cocked her head to the side, trying not to show the shock on her face as the guard's words formed in her vision. The [i]VP[/i] requests [i]her[/i]? Was her augmented eye finally dysfunctioning? She ignored the doctor part. Sure, it was an official title, but that was only because of her PhD in energy & environmental science. She barely knew how to treat a blister. [color=peachpuff]”Just Miss Ashford is fine. When?”[/color] She inquired, her face back to blank, taking another sip from her coffee and trying to seem nonchalant about the whole ordeal. [b]”Now. I’ll wait for you at the elevator.”[/b] Nova blinked and slowly put down her mug. Now? She nodded curtly and the security guard retreated. She waited until he was out of sight for her collected self to slip of off her face. Quickly, she opened her drawer and scrambled to find her handheld mirror. Holding it in front of her face, she quickly checked if she was even remotely presentable. It would have to do, but she definitely wished she spent more time on her appearance this morning right about now. She put her personal and work phone in the pocket of her lab coat and left her office. At the elevator, she was greeted by a woman in a pencil skirt, looking like she stepped out of a magazine. The security guard stepped off the elevator at the ground floor, and the woman typed in a code to take the elevator to a security clearance level Nova could only dream of. Why did [i]he[/i] want to see [i]her[/i]? [h2][color=gray]Voidlight Headquarters, floor 40, security clearance: 6 out of 6, Vice President's Office[/color][/h2][center][sub]A collab with [@WhiteAngel25][/sub][/center] The woman was quick to shove her into a door once they arrived at the top level, saying the Vice President would be with her shortly. Glancing around, his office was nothing like she had expected it to be and she looked horribly out of place in her forest green scrubs and lab coat. Her hair was in a messy updo, curly flyaways framing her face, and she wore comfortable sneakers. Should she sit down in one of the fancy chairs, or was that not done? She blinked and decided to keep standing, her hands in the pockets of her coat. He summoned her here, now, and he wasn’t even there himself? Was this a test to see if she would go snooping? And if so, would snooping be a good thing or a bad thing? It seemed her wishes to get out of the basement were about to come true, but at what cost? The VP's office leaned towards a modern style. Black marble tile lined the floor with a large white fur rug laid underneath dark gray leather sofas, two armchairs, and a metal coffee bag. Near the door, a white marble faux fireplace showed the comforting flame. Any empty wall space there was, metal bookshelves stood tall with a variety of subjects. The windows were tinted so only one from the inside could look out. At the end of the room was the Vice President's desk, which was the home of his computer and several business papers. Dragon strode into his office without a warning knock. It was his office, after all, he didn't need to announce his presence. His gold gaze took in the sight of the lab scientist in front of him. Her light brown hair was tussled up in a bun with the tall-tell sign of her augmented vision. She was cute. Rumor had it in the lab sections that Nova Ashford was the leading biologist on dark matter-energy. She was also skilled in other areas as well. Dragon smiled in a welcome manner. [b]"Miss Ashford, right? It is a pleasure to meet you properly. You may call me, Dragon or Vice President, for now," [/b] he introduced himself as he shook Nova's hand. He gestured to the sitting area for Nova to sit. [b]"Water? Coffee?"[/b] Dragon offered drink options before he attempted to be a good host before he started to begin. Nova was getting increasingly unsure. Maybe he was making her wait to make her nervous? If so, mission accomplished. A million scenarios went through her mind as she tried to figure out why she was being summoned to the VP of all people. She had a manager, and that manager had a manager, and that manager was [i]him[/i]. So why so directly? Nova blinked, her eyes still scanning the room as she wondered if her manager even knew about this. Her gaze landed on his bookshelf and the bookish woman found herself wanting to peruse it. What did a VP read? Scientific work? Politics? Romance novels? Smut? The door behind her opened so quietly her aid didn't pick it up, nor give her a flashing that there was sound. So when a figure suddenly appeared beside her, she startled slightly. She desperately hoped he hadn't caught on to that as he stood before her. And then, he [i]smiled[/i] at her. The scientist wavered, taken aback by an attitude she didn't expect. He hadn't given her a look in the hallways, always seemed busy and unapproachable, but then again, she tried not to ogle him and failed on many occasions. Her research on Dark Energy was going exceptionally well. She even got more budget, recently, and more team members to lead. Their latest tests included heating the bit of matter they acquired to over 500 degrees. She almost short-circuited the building, but what a damn great energy source. There was so much potential. So much she wanted to discover still. So many ideas flowed in her brain. So as he stood before her and grabbed her hand, sending tingles down her spine, she desperately hoped this was a good meeting, not a bad one. His hand was warm, and it was a welcome contrast to the normally chilly basement. She shook it with a firm grip, regaining her composure. [color=peachpuff]”That's me. It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Dragon."[/color] She said, standing a little straighter. [i]For now[/i], huh? Nova made note of that as she gave him a curt nod, following his gaze to the seating area. She sat down on the leather sofa, crossing her legs and resting her back against a small pillow. [color=peachpuff]”Coffee, please."[/color] She told him with a smile. Her abandoned coffee downstairs was probably already chilled to the bone. Nova watched him, studied him, but found she couldn't read him well. Would it be rude to demand to know why she's here, or would she let him keep control? She chose the latter. Dragon sauntered over to the button on the wall and pressed it lightly. [b]"Emily, one coffee for our guest, please,"[/b] he spoke before he went over to his desk, picked up a thick folder, and returned to the sitting area. He placed the folder on the coffee table in front of Nova. A big red stamp read, [color=ed1c24][b]CLASSIFIED[/b][/color]. Dragon adjusted his black three-piece suit to be more comfortable as he sat on one of the armchairs. Emily, his assistant, came in with a coffee tray and sat it next to the folder. On the tray was Nova's piping hot coffee steamed from a mug with Voidlight printed across it, a small pitcher of cream, and a bowl of sugar with a spoon. The Vice President waited until Emily was out of the office before he turned his attention back to Nova. [b]"I am not one to beat around the bush, Miss Ashford. The higher-ups and I have been quite impressed with your progress with dark matter-energy. Here at Voidlight, not only do we supply various employer services for a variety of career fields, but we are also in line with other agencies to investigate dark-energy sites. Voidlight would like to send you down to help out some of our allies and fellow operatives,"[/b] Dragon started as he opened the folder on the coffee table to show Nova a picture of Stella. [b]"This operative is named Ghost. She went to a site about a month ago. We want you to check in on her and a few of our allies that will be...should be with her,"[/b] he propped his elbow on the arm of his seat. His honey eyes studied Nova. It was his job to make sure she was comfortable with this. There could be no mess-ups with the personnel they chose for the hidden side of Voidlight. [b]"Well, Miss Ashford, what do you think? Would you like to go study dark matter-energy in the field?"[/b] Nova tried not to tap her feet with nerves when he walked off to order her a coffee. Her eyes roamed over him when he returned, watching him nimbly unbutton his suit jacket to be able to sit down. He was... so well put together. Would he have this couch cleaned once she left, just because she looked like this right now? Maybe. There was not a speck of dust anywhere, and the fur beneath her feet was so white it almost hurt her eyes. Thankfully, her work shoes were always squeaky clean. The scientist merely blinked at the folder on the table. Classified, huh? A swirl of anxiety settled in the pool of her belly. Kind of like being pulled over by a cop for a routine check, suddenly afraid a mysterious package of cocaine has found its way to your backseat even though you've never touched drugs in your life. Was she in trouble? When the pencil skirt lady returned, apparently called Emily, Nova pressed her lips together in a smile. [color=peachpuff]"Thank you."[/color] She said, watching the woman leave the room. The coffee looked hot, so Nova decided to let it stand for a bit. However, the Vice President got straight to business. She appreciated that. There was nothing worse than when one of her team members approached her and tip-toed around the issue. Just spit it out, already. Her eyes were on his as he spoke, and she found herself nodding at his unexpected compliment. Or was it a sweet talking? It was welcome, nonetheless, to hear that they were recognising her work. She glanced at the the folder once it was opened, a picture of a woman caught her attention. Ghost? She didn't look like one. It was a beautiful woman. She left for a site a month ago? Her eyes narrowed a bit as she caught on to the change from 'will be' to 'should be'. Interesting. Nova sat back and took the mug in her hand, letting it warm her slightly chilly hands. It had been years since she had done any type of fieldwork, but he probably asked her for a reason. She wouldn't be surprised if they knew her background, her hobbies, her other skills, and her previous fieldwork. Hell, she didn't really need to think about this offer. [color=peachpuff]"Call me Nova."[/color] She proposed, first and foremost. Despite him being her boss, it still felt odd that a man merely two years older was calling her miss. She took a sip of her coffee and was pleased by the taste. If he wasn't going to beat around the bush, then neither was she. His words made it sound like they weren't quite sure of the agent's status. [color=peachpuff]"I appreciate you recognising my work. I must say, I am intrigued by your offer. Getting to study Dark Energy in the field has been a dream of mine. Yet I can't help but think this mission is more of a search and rescue, is it not?"[/color] She prodded, eyeing him confidently. Even if it was, she would be lying if she said she didn't want to go. [color=peachpuff]"Does 'checking in' mean that you've lost touch?"[/color] A smirk tugged at the corners of Dragon's lips. It was clear that little Miss Scientist in front of him wasn't one to be shy. She cut to the chase just like he did. He noted the questioning expression in Nova's eyes and the smirk grew into a knowing smile as Miss Ashford suggested to be called by her first name. [b]"Well, [i]Nova,[/i]"[/b] his tone practically purred her name, [b]"what I can tell you is that we have limited contact, however, the connection was lost just shortly after our allies encountered some disturbances,"[/b] he explained as he handed her a contract from the folder. [b]"This is a contract not only to increase your pay. But an entirely new augmentation of your choice will be paid for by Voidlight," [/b]Dragon spoke as his smile faltered a bit. Nova was a beautiful and smart woman. He couldn't keep her completely in the dark. [b]"Nova, this job is dangerous. Once you step into this side of Voidlight, there is no going back. You will get a code name and won't be able to address anything else afterwards here in the building. You will be moved from your current lab. Anyone you worked with before will be reassigned to new roles."[/b] Once he was sure that Nova realized that if she accepted this job, her life wouldn't just go back to normal, Dragon continued. [b]"We will send you in a submarine to a HiveMind facility that was built upon a former Louvre site. There is a Louvre director with three allies and Ghost. There is also a person named 'Subject #3' with Ghost. Once you sign, we will begin the process to set you up with the new augmentations and prepare you for the way down."[/b] His voice reverberated down Nova's spine as he said her name. It rolled off his tongue so effortlessly and she tried to keep her cool. She could barely hear a thing but here in this quiet room, she heard his tone. Maybe that was a dangerous suggestion. Miss Ashford was safer. But this was much nicer. He was handsome and charming, and he knew it. After clearing her throat she listened to him being incredibly vague. On purpose, most likely, as she was 2 security levels below him. Still, she eyed him curiously as he spoke of 'disturbances'. She only broke eye contact with him once he handed her a piece of paper. She took it in her hand and glanced at the numbers. Her eyes widened a little. This would make her pay her debt off in two years instead of ten. Hazard pay, or hush money? Both? Probably both. And a new augmentation? They were really trying to sweeten the deal. Her eyes flickered up to his, and she gazed at him through her lashes. Before she got her augmentation, she had to rely on lipreading and subtle clues in people's faces. And thus, she got really good at it. But this man was incredibly good and not showing much, except what he [i]wanted[/i] her to see. What she didn't expect was a genuine falter of his grin, a slightly more rigid form beneath his suit as he addressed her more seriously this time, telling her of the danger. Well, at least he was honest about it. Genuine. And a little concerned? Swallowing, she looked down at the contract and rifled through the pages. Mostly the same as her old, but definitely different. She scanned the contact quickly with her retina, highlighting the sections that were different from her old before putting it down on the table between them. She watched him as he spoke more. A Louvre director? A person called subject #3? Just what kind of unhinged mission was this? But all Nova had to go back to was her basement, where she could experiment more, but it would never be the same as what was offered here. There was only so much she could test. Who was she kidding? Her hand went up to her breast pocket and she pulled out her pen, with Voidlight on the side. [color=peachpuff]"I understand, Dragon."[/color] She told him, before leaning down and signing the contract outright. Guess it was time to find a cat-sitter. She pushed the contract over the table to him with a confident expression before placing her pen back. [color=peachpuff]"You can count on me."[/color] Dragon's expression was a mix of satisfaction that Nova accepted the job and a little regret. He never liked this part of the job. Converting others to become operatives to fight HiveMind. When the scientist gave back the contract, he gently took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles softly. [b]"Thank you, Nova,"[/b] Dragon paused to lock his golden gaze with Nova's, he felt drawn to her for some unknown reason. He regretted pulling her into this life already. [b]"You will be highly regarded from now on. When we leave this office today, you are no longer Nova Ashford, your name is now 'Star'. It is to protect your home life when you return. Maybe then I'll tell you my real name,"[/b] he informed with a wink as his warm touch let go of her soft hand. Dragon stood up and handed Nova the rest of the file. [b]"Let's get you to the Augmentation floor and begin the process of sending you out,"[/b] he spoke as he offered to usher Nova to the floor he mentioned. [b]"You may take your coffee if you wish,"[/b] Dragon added as he knew that she barely got to enjoy it but they were working on borrowed time. It seemed her day was just full of surprises, as Dragon took her hand in his. Once more, she noticed how warm it was, but that must have something to do with his augmentations. Her eyes flickered up to his, curious as his lips touched her knuckles. An old gesture, but from him it seemed genuine. They say it's never wise to meet your heroes, but here Nova was, melting into the couch of said hero. A slight blush crept to her cheeks. There was a flash of confusion when he thanked her, but she nodded slightly in any case. [color=peachpuff]"No, thank you. For the opportunity. And trust in me."[/color] She said truthfully. Dragon kept holding her hand as he informed her of what was going to happen to her right now. She couldn't care less about how she was regarded. All she was currently interested in was furthering her research. And if that came with a pay raise and this man's attention? Nova was all for it. [color=peachpuff]"Star."[/color] She repeated as if testing the word on her tongue. A play on her own name. Fitting. She couldn't help but smile brightly at his wink and tease of knowing his name. [color=peachpuff]"I may hold you to that."[/color] She said, watching as he stood. Blinking, she stood as well and took the folder that was handed to her. She held it to her chest and listened as the both of them moved away from the seating area. She followed him like a faithful puppy after quickly grabbing the cup of coffee. [color=peachpuff]"Uh. Okay. Right. Why wait?"[/color] She said, somewhat bewildered. Though, while completely suffering from whiplash from the events, an excited and nervous feeling rumbled in her belly, and she knew she was ready. [color=peachpuff]"I have to find a catsitter."[/color] She mumbled, more to herself. With a wide grin, she stepped into the elevator with him. To a new adventure. She was finally out of the basement. [h2][color=gray]HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Submerged section, Research Room[/color][/h2] Nova wanted her basement back. And she wanted to slap Dragon in the face and then kiss it better. And then slap him again. She was fine with exploration. She spent a large part of the writing of her thesis in caverns and tunnels just like this one. But this one was deep underwater. And Nova [i]hated[/i] water. Despised it. And everything that lived in it. And yet, here she was. In a goddamn diving suit. Her equipment was in a waterproof backpack on her back. And she was in the dark. Equipped with a flashlight. Which just made it more eerie. Was now too late to resign from her job? No, she couldn’t. Her debt would overwhelm her. And begrudgingly, she loved her work. She was wise to keep her mouth shut because her complaints would surely reach Dragon ASAP. She pulled out the slate tablet, which had no trouble working underwater. The soft light from it illuminated her face in her helmet, as she tried to figure out where to go. The sub only took her so far, and from a bit further back she had been on foot. But a part of this facility was submerged. Something she had not been informed about. She thought the diving gear in the sub was just for emergencies. Shaking her head, she put the small tablet pack to its attachment point on her pants and shined her light into the submerged room she was floating in. She was at the bottom of a massive chamber. It was clear this was a place of research. It was just like her own lab, just… prettier. And scarier. And more wet. Around her, there were numerous glowing, ethereal test tubes and she decided to look at one up close. God, she wanted to take it, test it, but it wasn’t what she was here for. Besides, blowing up an underwater facility by touching the wrong thing surely was gonna get her fired. Or killed. Or both. Not necessarily in that order. The beam of her light reflected something in the back, and Nova’s eye zeroed in on the source. With a minuscule flick of her eyes, she zoomed in. A big door. Worth a try. Her new augmentation of choice? A massive upgrade to her current one. Before leaving, Voidlight Medical adjusted her augmentation with a new chip. She was now in contact through it with Voidlight, like an in-ear piece but then in her cochlear. What would be said to her would be brought textually into her vision. It held way more options, and the watch was upgraded along with it, too. They also offered to match her eye colour, but Nova was used to the duo-toned look by now, so she declined. She was outfitted with weapons of her choice, though the fancy bow and arrows were of a different level than the ones she practised with. And the gun? Despite knowing how to shoot, this one was fancier than any gun she had ever put her hands on. At the very least, she couldn’t complain about them preparing her well. Using the thrusters on the legs of her diving suit, she moved forward toward the door, trying to ignore the paranoia that was creeping up. Shadows didn’t move, right? She saw another door to her left, but decided to go for this one instead. She pulled at the handle of the door, but ofcourse, it was shut tight. She banged on it once and then regretted it, shaking out her hand. After placing her feet beside the door, her fingers one more curled around the handle, and she pulled with all her might. Suddenly, it jerked open, tumbling Nova backwards until she regained. The door led to a small set of stairs, which she swam up. However, she could Nova could switch from swimming to walking. Yet, as she came out on top, a steel door blocked her way. This one, for some reason, was easier to open. Immediately, her sound sensor went haywire, flashes of sound came from everywhere and her hand hurried to her watch to turn the function off. Though, she soon saw the issue. A pool of water, and exposed wire, sparking and obviously charged. What the hell? Movement caught her eye, and her head snapped back toward the end of the hallway. People appeared.