[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][center] [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b]Cafeteria [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]N/A [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vanhelsingmovie/images/d/da/Frank.jpg]Frank costume[/url][/center][hr]Aaaand cue the cricket sound. For having several orders of magnitude more brain capacity than a human, Victoria could never come up with small talk topics if her life depended on it. Her brain already wanted to rationalize why Zelda's costume looked like the real thing despite her seemingly not putting all that much effort into it, ranging from her own physical similarity to the target to 'You got talent, I guess'. None of them seemed like thoughts that should be said out loud in this case. Maybe a change of scenery then? Vicky was wondering what would have been done to decorate the place. It probably wouldn't beat the main hall in Hogwarts, but hopefully this wouldn't be a total bust. [color=00ffff]"So... shall we go in? Before all the good snacks are gone."[/color] she asked the company. If nothing else, she intended to sample the food today. Out of everything though, the results of the qualifiers interested her the least. Well, no. that space was firmly reserved for any dancing. Hopefully the costume would deter anyone who might think to ask her for one.