[@PaulHaynek][@AzureKnight][@Crowvette][@The Irish Tree] [b][color=ed145b]Skarsneek of the Redhills[/color][/b] [color=ed145b]"Thanks for the scroll."[/color] Skarsneek grinned as he took it, at least that's something he can use in a pinch. Skarsneek felt a drop of water on his nose and belatedly, he sighed as he looked to the skies. True enough, rain clouds gathered and knowing the pattern, it'll rain hard. [color=ed145b]"And I just had to go half-dressed."[/color] He sighed, the rain didn't bothered him as a monster constitution was much stronger than that. It was just that sneaking around half-soaked was going to leave such an obvious trail behind when he goes in. Still, he followed behind Shizuka diligently and even offered Io some help, if she needed it, this was his element after all. Though when the fog comes, Skarsneek did felt a tad annoyed. He didn't like seeing where he was going and Skarsneek could still see in near pitch black, but magical mist? That tickled him in the wrong way. Nevertheless, he can only trust in Shizuka skills and that he's not wrong. Hopefully this mist doesn't dispel at the worst time.