Stella thumped her forehead against the wall when she heard Ramses say there was no signal. She peered into the hallway with water. Anyone without leg augmentations would be electro-cooked almost instantly. She used her augmented vision to locate which wires were free, and then her gaze saw the steel door at the end of the hallway. While her arms had many abilities, she didn't possess a grappling rope feature. Something she would hopefully discuss with Dragon and Zeus when she returned to the surface. Before Thierry and Nick could go at it again, Stella whistled for their attention. [b]"I understand that you two lovebirds haven't seen each other in over a month, but if we are to get out of here alive. Let's focus on getting out of here rather than loudly discussing why you both, are in 'the wrong' with the other. If you need to kiss and makeup, there's the corner,"[/b] the white-haired woman gestured with her hand to the furthest corner of the room. [i]'I swear I'm a mother sometimes with the people I come into contact with,'[/i] Stella thought with a slight shake of her head. She clapped her hands together. [b]"Now, do any of you have legs augmented with rubber material or a grappling feature in your arms and hands? There's a hatch in the ceiling at the end of that hallway, however, it is waterlogged and electrified,"[/b] Stella spoke as she checked the amount of ammo she had left in her rifle just in case those creatures in the vents got too close. While she could take #3 in the submarine and get out of there, Stella knew there was more to this facility than what Thierry was letting on. She didn't believe him that the plans for the old part of the facility were lost. Whatever Von Galloes wanted to keep hidden from them resided below. Her icy gaze drifted to all the dead drones at least thirty by her count, then Stella got a crazy but brilliant idea. She began to take apart the dead drones as fast as she could. These drones were a standard issue for HiveMind security, which meant. [b]"Ah, ha!"[/b] Stella exclaimed as she pulled out the rubber discs that cushioned the control modules inside. Soon, Stella had enough rubbed pieces, about three feet in diameter and ten inches thick each, to use as stepping stones down the hallway. [b]"Forget what I said,"[/b] Stella smiled as she walked over to the water hallway and began to toss the rubber discs. [b]"We can use the pipes above to steady ourselves on these rubber discs,"[/b] she explained a bit breathless from the fast pace she used to take apart the drones. Her ears heard the sound of a metal door opening. Stella peered back into the hallway to see a woman had opened the hatch.