[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hider=Pokemon] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img] Sno, Froslass ♀ Level 19 Status: [color=f26522]Exhuasted[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cc/Spr_5b_345.png[/img] Eep, Lileep ♂ Level 15 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Spr_5b_333.png[/img] Tara, Swablu ♀ Level 15 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/24/Spr_5b_256_m.png[/img] Chic, Combusken ♀ Level 18 Status: [color=8dc73f]Warmed Up[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_443_m.png[/img] Gibs, Gible ♂ Level 18 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2095125c07a8e145ba315ff111c6c050?rik=e%2fhOJ0IZbF3xOA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20140103174008%2fpokeminds%2fes%2fimages%2f1%2f18%2fInkay_XY.gif&ehk=X2JfTJheaaKOfXJrhvqjBxDDGT6CJQe4XJXh9x9B2f0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Kay, Inkay ♀ Level 16 Status: [color=f7941d]Tired[/color] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [color=007236][b]Treetop Badge[/b][/color] 13 Potion 14 Pokeballs 3 Repels 5 Great Balls 4 Antidote 4 Paralysis Heal 1 Escape Rope 3 Tanga Berries 2 Spelon Berries 3 Chesto Berries A Swanna Pail 1 Bug Gem 1 Jaw Fossil 1 Guide to Mt. Strength [b]TM-22[/b] Solar Beam [b]TM-66[/b] Payback 10658P [/hider][hr][hr] Erika eased, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. It was done, the battle and everything was done. [color=6ecff6]"I'm so relieved that everyone is okay and it all worked out."[/color] Erika gave Chic a pat on her head, knowing she was a bit disappointed that she couldn't plunge into the Battle for the Mountain. She'd have to find a way to thank everyone involved at some point since she couldn't have done this without them. She felt nervous as her eyes settled on the offered Dawn Stone. It was her first goal in life to achieve and it feels like [i]ages[/i] since she set out from Pureplain City. [color=6ecff6]"Thank you, everyone!"[/color] She straightened her posture and gave a respectful bow at the hips to Machamp. She took the Dawn Stone from Machamp's hands and admired the stone before her, light glittering off of the stone and possibly Erika's eyes as well! [color=6ecff6]"Five years and not a day goes by that I don't think of you, Froslass... How you saved me and gave me a chance."[/color] Erika muttered as she felt her eyes water in emotion, feeling a wave of it crash against her heart. She was only a girl then, alone on the mountain and desperately lost. How afraid she had been then, but how relieved she was to see the one of the ghosts of Mount Chill was not like the scary stories told. Erika turned and knelt down to Sno, regarding her first Pokemon with pride. [color=6ecff6]"You did great today, Sno. Are you ready to grow into the Pokemon you were always meant to be?"[/color] Erika stretched out the Dawn Stone for a moment before hesitating. [color=6ecff6]"But you don't have to. I vowed I would be partnered with a Froslass someday but I don't mean to make this decision for you. You can be a Glalie, too."[/color] Erika confided wanting Sno to choose the Dawn Stone but she didn't want to make the decision for her. Yet Sno could see it in Erika's eyes. She shivered and stepped up. [color=7ea7d8]"Snooo[/color], she nodded ready to take the transformation. Erika felt a lump in her throat and she swallowed, extending the Dawn Stone out, touching it to Sno's head. Lights and energy flowed from the stone and it quickly evaporated and flowed into Sno who was a Snorunt, was now a Frolass! [color=a187be]"Froosss!"[/color] Sno lifted off the ground gleefully and started weaving freely around in the air. [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]"Amazing..."[/color] Erika gleamed as she watched in awe. She finally did it. She had a Froslass! Erika rose to her feet and gave her eyes a wipe. She was happy and now they were ready for the next part of their adventure. [color=6ecff6]"Well..."[/color] She turned to address everyone else. [color=6ecff6]"I'm really grateful for everyone's help, really! So can I make it up to you all? Hungry? I don't mind buying!" [/color] She smiled but considered their location. [color=6ecff6]"We should maybe consider our way forward through the mountain. It'd be nice to see more of Isson and I think..."[/color] She pulled out her PokeDex PDA thing and glanced at the map. [color=6ecff6]"Bigfjord City shouldn't be too far away once we are clear. What do you guys think?"[/color]