[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: North of the crossroads, 6 km from Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] [color=ed1c24]"Jonas Delving? The patriarch himself?"[/color] Veronica's brows rose high towards her hairline at Jazdia's words. Crossing her arms, one foot began to tap out a slow idle rhythm. [color=ed1c24]"That could be a particularly troublesome x-factor to deal with."[/color] That might have been somewhat understating it; for surely, the head of the Delving family would be an exceptional mage and a master of his family's signature craft. She raised a single brow further at the mention of an "informant" but didn't comment on it. She had some idea what Jazdia might mean. The two female "bears" spoke up now, clearly distraught over what they'd heard about Cedar, who it turned out was their brother, it seems. Their concerned words were met in answer by Jazdia, and Veronica had to withhold a grimace at the mention of Stritzel's twisted tastes. Of sure, intellectually, she had some comprehension of how Cedar and his sisters came about, but that sort of pairing was... unnatural. She realized that was probably a little rich coming from her, but the idea of bedroom "activities" in general raised her hackles, never mind with a bear. She didn't hold Cedar and his sister's origins against them, but... [i]Ugh.[/i] [color=ed1c24]"I'm not sure if the idea that this is ultimately some petty act of obsessive fetish indulgence makes this situation better or worse."[/color] One hand rose to briefly pinch the bridge of her nose. [color=ed1c24]"That Jonas Delving is involved, however, assures us that this is surely nothing as... [i]'benign'[/i] as you girls are perhaps imagining. Your brother is in very real danger, not a romantic misadventure."[/color]