"Haa, that would be very amusing if it's true." Jazdia let out an exasperated sigh before adding. "I think he is there for more important matters. Maybe to directly aid the rebels? Or To kill us perhaps?" [color=ed1c24]"I'm not sure if the idea that this is ultimately some petty act of obsessive fetish indulgence makes this situation better or worse."[/color] There comes Veronica, raising her hand to briefly pinch the bridge of her nose. [color=ed1c24]"That Jonas Delving is involved, however, assures us that this is surely nothing as... [i]'benign'[/i] as you girls are perhaps imagining. Your brother is in very real danger, not a romantic misadventure."[/color] Jazdia nodded and glanced at everyone present. "Indeed. His involvement makes this mission more complicated. I also personally believe it's not a mere coincidence. Either he expected us, or whatever they do now to Cedar is a very important matter it requires the mastermind himself to supervise it in person. The fact that he is the patriarch of a very influential clan also means we have to be proportional with our actions."