[u][b]Battle in progress Edge of Hutt Space Silver Fang Vessel "Guiding Light"[/b][/u] Alarms wailed across the bridge of the [i]Guiding Light[/i] as the heavily modified attack vessel unleashed a barrage of turbolaser fire at one of the smaller Hutt vessels which took out it's engineering section. The light from it's engines flickered once before going dark as a moment later it slammed into one of the other Hutt vessels. A massive explosion engulfed both vessels a moment later. "Status report!" The Trandoshan shouted as the pilot of the [i]Guiding Light[/i] continued to do it's best to evade the worst of the enemy fire. "We've lost the [i]Liberator[/i] and the [i]Dragon's tooth[/i]!" Torro's mechanical voice filled the bridge. "We have destroyed or heavily damaged four of the Hutt vessels." Vorax hissed angrily. The [i]Liberator[/i] had held a crew of nearly fifty with the [i]Dragon's Tooth[/i] holding twenty. He turned to look at the Weequay pilot. "Keep them from catching us in a cross-fire!" He shouted as the ship shook violently. "Bring us around and open a channel to the fleet! We may have a way out of this!" He turned to look at the human tactical officer. "Coordinate with the [i]Radiance's[/i] weapons officer and begin targeting the larger vessels. Target weapons and engines, once they are disabled, move on to the next one. The [i]Radiance[/i] was one of the largest vessels in his fleet and was heavily armed and shielded but had the maneuverability of a block of carbonite. "Captain! All outgoing communications between ships are being jammed. Incoming transmission on all frequencies to all Silver Fang vessels. I am attempting to block it but I'm not having much luck." Torro snarled. [i]"I am disappointed, Vorax. I expected much more of a fight from the lizard that stole so many of my slaves."[/i] Each of the bridge crew looked up quickly as the familiar and unwelcome voice of Obadah the Hutt filled the bridge. [i]"I am here to see that you and your little mercenary group are removed from my side."[/i] Vorax smiled a toothy grin as he looked up. "What's the matter, Obadah? Are you afraid to bring your worm-ridden self into the fray?" The Hutt slaver's laughter filled the bridge as Vorax looked up sharply as a very unwelcome alarm began to sound. "Kark!" The human tactical officer swore. "Captain, they somehow managed to sneak some sort of assault craft through our lines! We've been boarded!" Obadah's booming voice filled the bridge. [i]"Foolish lizard, I'm already here. Those who surrender will be given a quick death or will be taken back to Nal Hutta in chains. But you...you are different. I'm going to see how many limbs we can remove before you finally die. Rest assured, I will make sure they will not grow back this time."[/i] System displays began to flicker as did control consoles. "They must have brought slicers with them." Vorax growled. "Try and get a distress signal out. Break through the jamming field, whatever it takes!" A few moments passed as before the communications officer reported her progress. "I think I got a distress call out but I'm not positive. I'll keep transmitting it, sir!" Vorax opened a ship wide communications signal. "All handssss! We've been boarded! Arm yourselves and make them regret setting foot on this ship! Five thousand credits to the one that kills or captures the Hutt!"