[color=0054a6]Varya Chandrar[/color] Varya was impressed that Veronica said that they needed no sleep, that is a power as useful as it is dangerous. His earthing spell significantly reduced the amount of sleep he needed, useful for long night watches, but to go without sleep entirely was something beyond his comprehension. He struggled to maintain his sanity during such times, what strain on the psyche would one have staying awake 24 hours? He shuddered to think about it and decided it was not something worth pondering for long. Either way, it spoke volumes of Veronica's potential for magic manipulation and stamina. As the conversation carried one, Varya asked a question to everyone who could hear, not knowing who to address in particular. [color=0054a6]"Who is this Jonas Delving and what does he look like? Considering we are to capture him alive, I don't want to kill him by accident."[/color] Evan then shed some of his clothing and turned white, enveloping himself in ice and shedding it like a cocoon, revealing a sparkling veil that made him look like a glittering butterfly. It was beautiful and mesmerizing. He then spoke, barely audible. "[color=6ecff6]What is it like to kill another person?[/color]" What an odd question to ask, and so out of the blue. Still, this man of white had fascinated Varya, and he found it only proper to answer his question. Varya spoke in a monotone voice. [color=0054a6]"That depends. I take great joy in killing evil and wicked people, I feel like I've made the world a better place. I don't like killing people who aren't evil or who have not wronged me. It's such a needless waste of life, and I feel great sadness within me when I witness such deaths."[/color] Varya was liking that plans were starting to coalesce, though nothing would be finalized until they got the lay of the land which they were to attack. Varya was eager to prove himself on the battlefield, and to see what everyone else could do as well when swords were drawn and fell deeds were to be done.