She'd be damned, it's Veronica! Edgy there was a good team member to have, considering the past experience. Yvonne certainly knew some companies that'll offer a fortune for such a perfect scout, not to mention how good a fighter the black-clad woman was. Yvonne waved back as the group gather, explaining the condition of the fortified mansion. It's a rather sizeable compound, so either they'll be up against a small army or the security was more porous than a leaky sieve. Considering that Edgy there managed to scout all the way through the inner wall, it's probably the latter. Sparky will make short work of those people. But that's not the biggest problem they had... [b][color=#a4161a]"We probably should be prepared for another mage fight, yeah? Whoever set up that scrying barrier probably have relation to Asevor, unless such things are commonly traded between wizards."[/color][/b] She shrugged, not really in the know about arcane matter. She knew enough to work with friendly ones, and how to best kill hostile ones. Anything else wasn't important. [b][color=#a4161a]"Killing people? Ain't got any special feeling to it. Do the deed and move on. But getting to that point is either exciting or excruciating with little inbetween."[/color][/b] A proper fight with one's life on the line was exciting, but on the other hand there'll be skirmishes and/or assaulting entrenched position where it was plain miserable the entire time. Yvonne didn't kill for fun, it's a bit of the other way around - what she finds fun tend to ends up with people dying. Small distinction, but an important one.