Things were getting bad. Things were getting really bad. Shun felt as if a chunk of sand was fitted into her mouth. She could not speak as the discussion was about to turn into a bloodbath. It was suffocating and Shun was trying to think of a way to diffuse the situation. She at least needed to mediate before things got worse, but every time she opened her mouth the metaphorical sand filled her mouth. Asahi was wiring out his facsimile. Ayana, or Oros, seemed to take his threat as a challenge. Akito was getting strangled by a newly facsimile armored Kogen. As much as Shun felt upset over Akito's comment, Kogen going out of the line. This needed to be stop before it got ugly. Though just like her mouth, Shun's body stiffened. The recent memory of crushing Ayana's bones were relatively fresh on her mind. The mental breakdown she had in the forest only steeled that fear. If she were to interfere now, she would make things worse. Just like with Ayana, just like with Masato, just like with Yuudai. As the chaos ensued, Shun slipped away from the group and made her way back into the forest. She clutched her arms together as she darted into the woods. Everything would be alright, they could solve it by themselves. There wasn't a need to be there. Yes, they could do it by themselves. They were classmates for almost a year, surely they could solve it by themselves. Shun rationalized to herself. She didn't realize how far she went, but as long as it was far away from the camp it would be okay. She could already come back when she needed too.