[hr]Rosemary made a small noise of confirmation once Tyler answered her question, though she didn't hide the small smile she had after he patted her head. She looked up at him, or at least tried to, noticing too late that he was already walking off. She finished her cookie as she watched him approach Maya, making a tiny noise of indecision as she looked back at the cookies. As she thought to herself, she pulled out a small handkerchief out of a sewn-in pocket of the dress she wore, absentmindedly dabbing at her mouth as she teetered between her desire to follow Tyler and the desire to have another cookie. She turned back at the sound of her name, giving Hollyhock a small nod as she tucked away her handkerchief. She watched the older Scions speak, looking to each one as they spoke, but as she wasn't addressed any longer, she began to get restless. Her hands fidgeted with a crystalline ring she wore, and she seemed to make a decision, taking another sugar cookie. [color=lemonchiffon]"Hummingbirds are the smallest living bird and they like nectar,"[/color] She announced, turning to scurry away, but she made it about three steps before she remembered something. She immediately turned back around, approaching Ionna again. [color=lemonchiffon]"Um, my window has a lot of hummingbird feeders. That's my fact. But I gave two facts, so..."[/color] She trailed off, but still snatched another cookie before running off. [color=rosybrown]"No one's going to chase you for eating a cookie, Your Highness!"[/color] Sonia told her, exasperated. Rosemary looked up at her, mouth already full of cookie. She timidly offered her the second one she stole, and Sonia took it, clearly trying not to laugh. When the princess tugged on her sleeve, the woman once again knelt down swiftly, but unlike last time, she looked at Rosemary in surprise. Before she could say anything, Rosemary walked away, leaving Sonia to just laugh to herself for a second. Once she recovered, she approached the cookie bunch, sugar cookie still in hand. [color=rosybrown]"As my charge feels remorseful enough to ask me to apologize on her behalf, but not so remorseful to do it herself, I'll right the wrongs by offering my own interesting fact,"[/color] Sonia said, taking a second to think. [color=rosybrown]"...feel like bears are boring...But I wrestled an alligator once. Irina bet me ten bucks to wrestle with it for ten minutes. I won, of course."[/color] She shook her cookie at Zacharie. [color=rosybrown]"Caught the end of that, but I think I have your prototype,"[/color] She gestured towards her own eye cover. [color=rosybrown]"...or is it the other way around? Do you have a fake eye, too?"[/color] Rosemary herself had devoured her cookie in record time, and she was once again dabbing her mouth as she watched Tyler, but she was content to just run around, clearly enjoying the small clicks and clacks of her tiny heeled shoes with each step, giggling to herself. Meanwhile, Fyodor seemed to listen closely to Theobald. He made no change of expression as he watched Theobald interact with Sara, her dismissal not coming off as a surprise. His eyebrows did, however, knit together in what could have been construed as either concern or confusion to the Scion's request, but he wouldn't leave Theobald in the dark for too long, his response coming in after a short pause. [color=orange]"Had there been any progress, I don't think the news cycles could hardly hold themselves back on reporting it,"[/color] He admitted that much. [color=orange]"If it had been a question of manpower, I think I could sway Elijah to see my point of view and take the Scions and raze Kaudus and their false idol to the ground. Life would be easier if it was just a question of who had more might, or power, or strength."[/color] He paused. [color=orange]"Everyone knows it was Kaudus that kidnapped and murdered Theodore Estora. But with no proof, there is no [i]casus belli[/i], and our neighbors in the south would fear we have gone mad if we went to yet another war with Kaudus,"[/color] He stated. [color=orange]"Dr. Rhaveus has been working on a theory that would provide some explanation on how they managed to capture a man with the ability to warp time itself. Until he has his results, there is nothing to be done."[/color] [hr][right][@McMolly][@Scribe of Thoth][@Abstract Proxy][@Xiro Zean][/right][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240130/1bef81ddc0b93d02f23af9d27cc8ac97.png[/img][/center] Lucas' lips parted as he gave what must have been the most muted expression of confusion he ever had. This guy was fucking with him, right? Because at first, he was convinced that his not-so-subtle-and-definitely-crass innuendo went right over the dude's head and that using horses as an example was just a lucky coincidence. And then came the talk of full hands and holding superiority, and--nope, now that he was replaying it in his head, it was definitely just a poor choice of wording that he was willfully misinterpreting. If he was honest, it was actually disappointing. He closed his mouth and gave a noise resembling either agreeance or just a confirmation that he heard what was said, even if he could feel his eyes glazing over. Sure, typical Scions likely needed to assert themselves over their Templars. Even Theo, who may not have been a royal but was still an Estora, likely had a more casual relationship with his Templar because he was just that sort of person. But there were three royals in the room, three that rose above the Scion title--they were referred to the titles they had at birth because they were different. He'd argue he had a leg up on the two princesses as well, being a [i]high prince[/i]. He was already superior to everyone else in this [i]kingdom[/i]. But he guessed that this dude was trying to be helpful or something. 'My' Zacharie, he had said. That was weird. Was it normal for Scions to shack up with their Templars? As he looked at the various pairings, he supposed he could see it with some of them, large age gaps notwithstanding. Unless Princess Rosaria over there had some kind of grandfather thing he wasn't aware of. Was that why she was pissed at him? That sounded like something he would imply, but he wasn't entirely sure. He realized his thoughts were getting haphazard, forcing himself to focus up. Yeah, this conversation was likely going to bore the shit out of him, but better a softball, boring conversation than one that required effort. What did he say again? That he needed to assert his dominance over Tyler with magic? The bastard had four years of experience on him, how the fuck was he supposed to catch up to that? [color=dodgerblue]"I've had this power for two weeks,"[/color] Lucas reminded him, raising an eyebrow. [color=dodgerblue]"Even Theodore needed some practice, and he was better at receiving prophecies than using his magic."[/color] The thought soured Lucas further. He couldn't say the same; the few visions he received were hazy, made him sick, and he was pretty sure they were intentionally trying to give him a heart attack. If he was being completely honest with himself, he felt like Incepta was upset that he was the Scion of Time. But if She didn't want him, why the fuck did She pick him? The tiny clicking of Rosemary's shoes caught his attention, and he managed to bend down and pick her up by her waist. She gave him a small giggle, kicking her feet around like she was still running. [color=dodgerblue]"You're going to trip, get hurt, and then cause a ruckus,"[/color] Lucas warned her. [color=lemonchiffon]"A [i]ruckus[/i],"[/color] She repeated, bursting into giggles despite him giving her a deadpan look. He placed her back down, and to his surprise, she remained in place. She tugged his sleeve despite the fact that he was still looking at her. [color=lemonchiffon]"Do you think he remembers me?"[/color] She asked him, pointing at Tyler. [color=dodgerblue]"Dunno. Go ask him."[/color] She hesitated, rocking on her heels. [color=lemonchiffon]"Can you ask him for me?"[/color] Lucas looked like he was losing what little patience he already had, but he knelt down to meet her at eye level. [color=dodgerblue]"Just ask him. He's not going to get mad at you or anything."[/color] [color=lemonchiffon]"...no."[/color] She declined, choosing to continue her race against no one and running off. Lucas rolled his eyes, turning back to his fellow Scion. He knew Rosemary was going to be as weird as ever, but something this guy said suddenly clicked in his mind. [color=dodgerblue]"And what purpose do you believe Incepta had choosing a little girl as a Scion?"[/color] He suddenly asked, crossing his arms. [color=dodgerblue]"Veradis works differently than other countries, you know. The Scion of Light is the one who rules the principality. So Rosemary's not just a princess, but a ruler once she comes of age. Her great-grandfather got to have some semblance of a normal life before his own holy sigil appearing at fourteen. So why is Rosemary destined to carry that burden that has been chosen for her since the tender age of two years old?"[/color] [hr][right][@Olive Fontaine][/right]