There were several things that had been decided, and some more would have to wait for tomorrow. There were no objections voiced, nor any contention being brought up. Jazdia felt satisfied enough with the conclusion but would still keep her ears open. Some of them hadn't voiced their opinion about the plan, and in a group with no established chain of command, disagreement could happen at unexpected times. But the time waits for nobody. The squire lovebirds were already resting on each other's arms. The bear twins were busy talking with each other. And Yvonne Rosenving, after voicing her preference for tomorrow's assault retreated back to her spot after no one answered her call for a polearm to borrow. Everyone else seemed to be absorbed with their own thought. Varya declared his choice, but it seemed as if he was talking to himself. Either because no one found any fault in his already sensible decision, or simply out of reluctance to make a small talk. For Jazdia though, she would rather do something to combat the coldness of night air. There were plenty of fallen branches around, and she gathered them in the middle of their encampment. With that arranged and her bedroll already unrolled, Jazdia stood up, a small fire danced on her finger and she flicked it away to fall into the middle of the pile, igniting the branches alight and steadily. Sitting now in front of the campfire, the elf opened her satchel back, using it as a temporal workbench as she tinkered with her pocket watch. Its needles stopped at 9:10 o'clock.