Dang, I missed a lot while I was asleep. Got the day off today so gonna work on a concept alongside other things, had a quick look over everyone's stuff so far and that's helped me pick some distinct aesthetics/abilities. Digimon's lived rent-free in my head for twelve years so whatever line I ultimately go for will probably be dependent on the angle I go for with my humie, but I do have a couple lore/world questions to help narrow things down: 1- Considering the backstory and emphasis on corruption, is there anything I should keep in particular mind for Demon Digimon? Most of my ideas are leaning in that direction one way or another, so just curious if there's any extra history (both before and after the war itself) that I should be aware of, how they're generally viewed and treated today, that sort of thing? 2- Getting the impression so far that this is a continuity where partnerships are more incidental than preordained, but could a partner have been active long enough to be met in their Champion/Adult form (whether they get to [i]stay[/i] in that form by default is another matter, of course)? [quote=@Cleveraptor]One hint for how we're getting to the Digital World.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/oGo3P-2HBAoAAAAC/he-cant-keep-getting-away-with-it.gif[/img]