[center] [h1] [color=d72525] Sergio della Gherardesca[/color] [/h1] [/center] I sit by Amy, smiling graciously at the invitation, Abele mercifully deciding to sit a few pews away as opposed to next to me and Amy. The others take their seats also, and I take the moment to genuinely invest myself in the prayer. I will admit, my talks with Mayon have been far less frequent ever since the battle versus the Boars. I half-wonder if she decides not to listen and assume the sudden piousness is for my own gain with Amy. A foul line of questioning I perished entirely, and I instead thank Mayon for sparing my life when we fought on her hallowed ground, and for allowing my arm to heal healthily in the days that follow. I also pray that this dessert that Abele and I toiled over would be worth the effort. Fingers locked and hands pressed against my forehead I open my eyes as Amy finishes her prayer, and nod at her thanks. However her mention of 'my friend' makes me realise I hadn't even introduced Abele. [color=d72525] [i]Well now he'll make a big deal of it.[/i] [/color] I grumble. [color=d72525] "Ah, yes, my apologies Dame Amy, this is my...half-brother, Abele." [/color] My hands lift up in gesture to him, it feels ridiculous sometimes to think we are related with how drastically different we appear. Abele himself couldn't stop grinning, his olive features more amused than I've ever seen prior. The one advantage to this was that it probably shut the bastard idiot up. He bows, both to Amy and the other two Knights present. Mayon seems to hear my wishes as Amy finally notices the dessert under wraps. I smile as confidently as I would normally. [color=d72525] "I'd been...ah..forward, but you'd mentioned your fondness for baked goods in the tent. Perhaps you'd care to sample this...I...we...baked it ourselves." [/color] [@6slyboy6] [@Raineh Daze] [@Eisenhorn]