[color=lightblue]"Plenty of pews left to fill, so more the merrier."[/color] Rolan casually remarked on the arrival of....the name either eluded him or the two weren't previously acquainted, it was hard to say. Either way, Rolan didn't pursue that train of thought for very long as the duo went and seated themselves beside Amy. Or, rather, [i]Dame[/i] Amy, and a low grin came to rest on Rolan's face, though he didn't have quite the time to get a comment in edgewise. Pursuing a woman of the faith, that took some stones, though from the sounds of it they were already at least somewhat acquainted with each other from previous battlefield encounters. Still, he inclined his head as Amy began the quiet prayer, mulling over the whole situation. To say he was familiar with sitting in a shrine praying would have been a lie, he had never been much of one for faith. Always left that to the priests and such who actually seemed to have a rapport with their divinity of choice, but as the saying went, no such thing as faithless in a battleline, so he never begrudged faith. The prayer did not run for terribly long, a good thing as far as Rolan was concerned, and he leaned on the pew he had been standing next to while, what [i]was[/i] his name... Spaghetti? No, no that wasn't it, while what's his name introduced his half brother Abele and was practically tripping over his words, at least as far as Rolan was concerned. He cocked an eyebrow at the mention of discussions had in a tent, and a less tactful man might have started snickering right then and there. Oh no, Rolan was a class act, he would start snickering AFTER he opened his mouth. [color=lightblue]"Courting a lady of faith in the shrine of her goddess, you have to have some serious stones on you mate."[/color] Rolan couldn't help but laugh at his own remark, betraying that, while he was teasing...SERGIO, that was the name, it had to be at least if his memory was to be believed. Reigning in his laughter to a chuckle, he stretched as he stood himself upright from his lean, dusting himself off, mostly as a gesture rather than actually a necessary act. Mockery aside, he had to acknowledge it was a thoughtful gift, long as it didn't turn out to be a burnt husk of a pie or something. Not like he knew his way around a bakery, so it was probably better than anything he could craft. Still, he wasn't keen on watching the love birds making sideways eyes at each other, he wasn't brave enough for romance, too many pitfalls that. [color=lightblue]"Right, thanks for the prayer Amy, I won't overstay my welcome. Tyaethe, need me to report anywhere, or just stand by for the inevitable marching orders we're bound to get if half of what you've said is to be believed?"[/color] Rolan wouldn't stick around for long after that, either heading off to where he was needed or going for a walkabout to stretch his legs. He really was a restless soul, not able to stay in any one place for longer than completely necessary. Besides, it had been awhile since he had just walked around and took in the sights, so it wouldn't hurt to see what was different since his last walk about the Iron Rose base of operations. [@6slyboy6] [@Raineh Daze] [@VahkiDane]