Alright, with the Master sorted, its Servant time. [hider=Man and Monster] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [*][u][b]Class[/b][/u]: Assassin [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [hider=Both States][img][/img][/hider] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Jekyll has two distinct, incredibly different personalities that change when the Noble Phantasm, Dangerous Game, is used. In his current summoned state, both Jekyll and Hyde remain in a constant state of struggle, most noticeable when danger is present, be it an enemy master, Servant, or other such significant threat. Hyde struggles to be let loose, to tempt, or force, Jekyll to imbibe in his serum and let the demon free. Jekyll, meanwhile, struggles to keep Hyde in check, silencing the demon until such a time that he is permitted to be let off his leash. As Jekyll, he is a gentle, kind hearted man who would quite genuinely rather spend time in contemplation and study. While generally servile in nature, he maintains an incredibly strong sense of good and evil, and of justice, a firm believer in doing good for its own sake first and foremost. As a servant he would greatly enjoy spending time simply conversing with his Master, learning of the world he had been summoned into. Of his fellow Heroic Spirits, enemies as they may be, he would engage them in dialogue before a combat need arise, or even during circumstances where neither side can afford to fight. He lacks confidence in himself, perhaps stemming from his failure to subdue and remove Hyde from his life, though once talking he proves to be quite the pleasant fellow. Hyde, however, revels in the hedonistic and cruel pleasures of the world. Constantly straining to be turned loose of his bindings, he greedily abuses every moment he is free. While released only for the sake of fighting, Mr. Hyde fully enjoys every moment of it, reveling in driving any foe he is turned loose on into a corner, playing with his prey and basking in their failure and mounting panic. Nothing is sweeter than slaughter, and if left unchecked would quite gladly go on a killing spree of anyone he could get his hands on. While restrained as a Heroic Spirit, however, he begrudgingly follows orders, though constantly complains and urges his Master to "Live a little" and let him at least have a little collateral damage. He will interpret anything formed as an order as creatively as possible if it means being able to cause more damage, though if the circumstances prevent him from being able to enjoy himself, he will turn the reigns back over to Jekyll since playing at human would bore him to tears. [*][u][b]Stats[/b][/u]: (Note: Stats are listed as X/X, with the first being Jekyll's statistics, and the latter being Hyde's statistics.) [list][*][u]Strength[/u]: C+/B+ [*][u]Endurance[/u]: E/B+ [*][u]Agility[/u]: A+/B+ [*][u]Mana[/u]: E/D [*][u]Luck[/u]: C/D [*][u]Noble Phantasm[/u]: C/C[/list] [*][u][b]Class Skills[/b][/u]: [list] [*] [u]Presence Concealment:[/u] A. As Jekyll, the good doctor has gone to great lengths to conceal any of his misdoings or misdeeds as Hyde, and even more so now that he has to so readily rely on Hyde, it makes remaining unassuming far more important. For Hyde, concealing himself right up until the moment of strike lets him savor in the thrill of the hunt, of tracking down some dangerous game and jumping them, the upper hand making the game that much sweeter. [/list] [*][u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u]: [list] [*] [u]Monstrous Strength:[/u] B. Non functional as Jekyll, as the good doctor is no fighter, let alone a monster. Hyde, however, has shattered sturdy, custom walking canes in fits of rage with enough force to strike men dead in a single blow. Not even accounting for longer fits of rage after extended confinement by Jekyll that have left others dead from, at the time, a normal human's bare hands, this skill allows Hyde to, for short durations, boost his Strength Parameter by one rank. [*] [u]Voice of Panic:[/u] A. Non functional as Jekyll, given the mild mannered and well meaning doctor could barely raise his voice to a shout at the best of times, let alone induce panic. Hyde, however, has the fury and madness of a long caged hedonistic thrill seeker, capable and more than willing to voice his desires of slaughter and debauchery to the heavens, to make God himself quake. Performs a mental attack on his targets with a resounding voice that weakens the minds of people who hear it. [*] [u]Self Modification:[/u] D. Does nothing as Jekyll, as he is simply a man hiding a monster. While functional as Hyde, due to the duo being summoned as an Assassin-class Heroic Spirit, the rank of the skill has been notably decreased. Hyde shows some small refinement of his body towards combat capabilities, though the changes are relatively minor, and easily missed by someone who isn't keenly aware of the changes that are occurring at all. [*] [u]Powerless Shell:[/u] A. The skill that defines Jekyll, rather than Hyde. It is a representation of a lifetime of struggle with perceived inner demons, with a hedonistic and sadistic darker half that he could not, as a proper Gentleman, ever allow free, and the cause of him developing the serum that would become known as the Dangerous Game. This skill is what locks his other personal skills away, and combined with the Assassin class Presence Concealment goes a great ways in protecting and hiding Jekyll long enough for him to release Hyde onto the stage, should the need arise. [/list] [*][u][b]Noble Phantasm(s)[/b][/u]: [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Dangerous Game [*][u]Rank[/u]: C [*][u]Type[/u]: Anti Unit [*][u]Appearance[/u]: A rather unassuming bottle with a peculiar stopper, the contents within never draining when drank, no matter how much is imbibed. The taste of the compound is utterly repulsive and vile to the drinker, regardless of personal taste or desire, it will always be the most foul tasting fluid one could ever imagine drinking. Despite its taste, it has a rather regal purple coloration that would make one think it might actually be a pleasant concoction. [*][u]Effects[/u]: Quite simply, it is the key that allows Jekyll to become Hyde, and vice versa. The recipe of the serum is known only to Dr. Jekyll, and by extension Mr. Hyde, though actually making a new dose of the serum never seems to be necessary due to its constantly refilling state, a side effect of being a Noble Phantasm. What this serum would do to someone who isn't Jekyll or Hyde is unknown, although even Hyde would act to prevent this from occurring should the circumstances arise. [/list] [*][b][u]Alignment[/u][/b]: Lawful Good (Jekyll)/Chaotic Evil (Hyde) [/list] [/hider]