[color=ed145b]"Lileh"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Rose"[/color] The twins smiled briefly, then looked around. [color=ed145b] "Pleased tuh meet ya han'some bu' we gots work tuh do--"[/color] [color=f7941d]"--Yup. Gotta save our idji't brudder naow... Buh come sees us la'er, hmm?"[/color] They turned to the short lady, apparently named 'Yvonne'. Well, that's another name out of the bag. [color=ed145b]"Pleased tuh meet yous too miss..."[/color] Lily stammered over the vowel-consonant slur that started the name, before finally finishing with the incorrect, but probably close enough [color=ed145b]"..Yonnie."[/color] Ursine mouths were not made the same as human ones. [color=f7941d] "Hope we get all da rest'ya names la'er-- If'n yous bashin' in da door, whe'h we sneakin' in at?"[/color]