[hider=Aurélie de Villiers, oldest daughter] [center][h1][color=RosyBrown]Aurélie de Villiers[/color][/h1] [img]https://imgur.com/zMBgotC.jpg[/img] [color=RosyBrown][b]Name:[/b][/color] Aurélie Fleur de Villiers (nicknames: Auri, Ellie) [color=RosyBrown][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=RosyBrown][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=RosyBrown][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Aurélie has ashen blonde, wavy hair, the same as her mother. Her eyes are hazel, lighter than her father's. Her freckles are also very much her mother's, but her brilliant mind comes from her father. She loves dressing up, and dressing well and isn't afraid to show a little skin (though Thierry would have his opinions). 5'4". Soft hourglass figure. Has piercings in her ears, and a tattoo behind her right ear. Likes getting manicures, and often has different styles on her nails, though they're not long, because that would get in the way of her job. [color=RosyBrown][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Coffee barista at Au Vuex Paris d’Arcole, going to Sorbonne Université after the summer [color=RosyBrown][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Aurélie isn't one to hug you, but if you mention you are cold, she will arrange a blanket for you and deny that it had been her. Her memory is wicked good, and she always remembers everyone's birthdays or small details. Ever mentioned that you liked a specific album? You'll get it for your birthday. She shows her love in odd ways if she loves at all. She is no-nonsense, and not afraid to say what she thinks. Something that is a must when working in a Parisian café. This works differently with her half-siblings, though she never uses the 'half' part. They are her world, and she'd drop-kick anyone who even looked at them wrong. She's the sister you call when someone's bullying you, and she would come and teach the kid a lesson. Slightly terrifying, slightly sweet but only if you know her well. [color=RosyBrown][b]Defining Trait:[/b][/color] Forthright [color=RosyBrown][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Aurélie is a parisian in heart and soul. She was born there and belongs there. Maybe that was why she didn't move with her mother back to the Netherlands when she left France, as if the woman knew her child would be one with the city. Not that her mother was necessarily a responsible person. She grew up with her father, Thierry, who married a woman named Sabrina when Aurélie was still a toddler. When she was about 1,5, she got a brother, and 7 years later, a sister. By then, Aurélie proved to be a challenging child to raise, always pushing the limits of Thierry, falling between the gaps of a too-busy father and a mother in another country. Her saving grace was Sabrina, who treated Aurélie as her own. Despite her father being a compassionate man, she and Thierry never really saw eye to eye, and this only got worse the older, and rebellious Aurélie got. She was his first, and for a long time, only daughter, which caused friction despite her having been a daddy's girl when she was young. However, when it comes to her brother and sister, Aurélie would be found moving mountains for them. She regularly hung out with her brother, and she always made time in her day for her younger sister, who to Aurélie, meant the whole world. She does love her father, and slowly but surely, she was growing more into a grown woman than a rebellious teenager. Despite her name meaning 'the golden one', she wasn't necessarily the golden child. Though, she was and still is really good in her studies, barely having to make any effort. Aside from her part-time job as a barista, her other passions are being a plant mom, pilates and photography. In her home, she has a small balcony littered with plants, where she likes to sit and read her books as Paris lived below her. And with her camera, she regularly goes out to take photographs. One of her photos went viral not long ago, causing her a deal where she did an item called 'Faces of Paris'. Maybe there's a Louvre girl in her, after all. She works because she wants to, not because she has to because her parent's money did get her places. The latest thing she did to shorten Thierry's lifespan was buying a motorcycle to get around Paris. [color=RosyBrown][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Makes the best coffee in Paris (by own admission, and that of her brother), photography, self-defence, first aid. [color=RosyBrown][b]Inventory:[/b][/color] Her backpack, e-reader, earbuds, power bank to charge her devices, her iPhone, small etui with mascara, lipstick, and brow pencil always on hand, her photo camera, extra lenses and SDcards, a small medkit with bandaids (hello kitty for Cosette) and other small stuff because Theo had a tendency of hurting himself, and Cosette was her little baby.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Theo de Villiers, middle son] [center][h1][color=Steelblue]Theo de Villiers[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PKVNxue.png[/img] [color=Steelblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Theodore Noel de Villiers (nicknames: Theo) [color=Steelblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=Steelblue][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=Steelblue][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Outgrew his dad, and he's proud of it. He's 6'2", with dark brown hair, and the dark brown eyes of his father. He's the most frequently used of their in-home gym, and he's fit. Often keeps his facial hair, full but short. Is almost never seen without his leather jacket, though in the summer he goes without. [color=Steelblue][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Student Lycée terminale, in his last year of high school. Has no part-time job. [color=Steelblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Theo is what you could call a social butterfly. Or well, that's what he was when he was younger, now he's more of a socialite. He has good, swift talk, often found making jokes and not taking everything too seriously. He's a flirt, too, and is well aware of his good looks. The man definitely could be a good salesman or a lobbyist, but he is not interested in working right now. Though, at times if his father brings him to work, he definitely knows how to talk up the crowd, making his father proud. He can and does strike a talk with everyone he sees, whether that be cracking a joke with his father's boss's boss or the homeless man down the street. He's a momma's boy at heart, and isn't one to shy away from his parents because it isn't 'cool'. Now that he's older and more independent, he seeks them out, having learned that they're too busy to seek him out. [color=Steelblue][b]Defining Trait:[/b][/color] Social [color=Steelblue][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] As Thierry's and Sabrina's first child, and son, he grew up quite happy and loved, and enjoyed the company of his older sister. However, more and more he got left to his own devices, or together with his sister. With them being a year and something apart, they were often left to the same fate. Forgotten at school, or waiting for their parents to find out which one of them had enough time to pick them up. This had them growing close. Then, when he was 7, he got a sister, and he immediately felt responsible for her as a big brother. He's not like his older sister, kicking against shins, but instead does his own thing. He admires his father a lot, despite not really seeing him, and loves doing something with his mother. Lately, he'd taken to picking her up from work during lunchtime to have a quick meal together. In his free time, he usually hangs out with his big friend group, and he loves parties. Loves going to them, and loves throwing them, oftentimes coming home late and slightly inebriated. Theo's not a bad drunk, but a happy one. When he was still finding his limit, Aurélie was the one rubbing his back and nursing him back to health. His schoolwork leaves something to be desired, but he never got in trouble and he always made it out on the other hand. Sometimes with some vigorous tutoring from Aurélie. He likes to spend money, likes to dress well, and likes to have the latest gadgets. He zooms around Paris on his scooter, but his sister's motorcycle is something he is eying for when he becomes 18. He has a situationship with a girl, but Theo's not a lovey-dovey person. Committing is scary. [color=Steelblue][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Smooth talker, physically strong, spent a couple of years doing Taikwando before he got bored. [color=Steelblue][b]Inventory:[/b][/color] A backpack, his headphones, iPad, iPhone, power bank, pocket knife, protein bars (gotta get them gains!) [/center] [/hider]