[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mDCIPXxm.jpg[/img] [h2]Kasper Mirandola[/h2] ・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*[/center] Kasper noted the prince's frustration and decided not to push him too much further. Angering a royal now could have unpleasant consequences later on. [b]"Yes, I know that the gift is still new to you. But you already show promise. And the sigils that we have are greater than the ones we bestow. You needn't worry about failing if you've only the mind to pursue it."[/b] Yes, all that was needed for the prince to gain the superiority he spoke of was effort, and the interest to follow through with it. And perhaps some discretion, given the official restrictions that were placed on the Scions. That was really the crux of what Kasper had been saying. Those restrictions would eventually chafe at him who lived under them. If Lucas became more skilled with his power, he could shake loose from time to time. At least, that had been the experience of the white-haired youth. The conversation shifted towards the idea of purpose attached to the sigils. Did Incepta really have a plan for the two year old Rosemary, or for the prince himself? [b]"We can't often see the destiny of a scion many years in advance. But the Goddess can,"[/b] he answered piously. [b]"I was only fifteen when the Goddess gave me her blessing. At the time I was naive noble boy in a family of artists. I would never have become the man I am today."[/b] Kasper's achievements over the last eight years spoke for him on this subject. Though still young, he had become one of Doumerc's most promising minds. As a magician and an academic, he was a point of pride for his city. [b]"In many ways, the influence of the sigil made me into a proper Scion of Shadow, or so I'd like to think,"[/b] he said with a good-natured smile towards the prince. He had tried not to overstep the bounds of humility, but there was no hiding the confident sense of accomplishment that lived within him. [b]"Perhaps the same will be true for Rosemary. Incepta willing, she may make a great queen for us one day. I don't know her well, but there is something special about her. A certain perceptiveness."[/b] Kasper's answers had been on the safe side, but still somewhat insightful. He didn't want to push the envelope much more after the things that had already been said. Internally he did have other thoughts about the matter, however. He knew from history that there was more to the Scion of Light than just political rule, though that was the modern convention. William Bachmeier was remembered more as a saint than anything else - a champion of the church. He wondered what might really become of the young Rosemary. He swirled away from the wall and gave a bow to Lucas. [b]"Thank you for the audience, your Highness. And again, congratulations."[/b] With that, Kasper returned to Zacharie's side. He gently placed a hand on the templar's shoulder as he approached. [b]"Having fun?"[/b]