[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231113/224a1e50995594608ff5dd39e246b666.png[/img][/center][hr] Princess Rosemary was certainly rambunctious, though he supposed children were children regardless of station. The advent of her Templar was far more engaging to Zach's attention, and it seemed Dame Ionna agreed, since her excited [i]oohs[/i] and [i]aahs[/i] about heat vision gave way to- blessed Mother, did she really wrestle an alligator? This woman was clearly insane. Dame Irina as well, but Zach knew that well before this conversation. Sonia's statement about her eye, however, intrigued him too much to write her off. [color=BB8F4C]"Ah, no, they're still real for the time being,"[/color] Zach answered as he tugged his visor back down. Much better. He really preferred not to dwell on the thought that he'd probably have his eyeballs scooped out of his head one day, but the two Templars before him seemed rather content with their own prosthetics, so perhaps it wouldn't be quite so bad. Even if the thought turned his stomach. [color=BB8F4C]"No complaints, I hope?"[/color] He wasn't sure if there was a polite way to say [i]'gee, I sure hope you encounter all the flaws so they can be fixed before I do'[/i], since, well, he truly did hope it wasn't giving her any trouble. Given that she likely lost her eye in some brave feat of daring along the lines of wrestling an alligator and didn't electively remove it, Zach could only hope she wouldn't settle for a faulty eye over none at all. He'd certainly do the same in her shoes. Or his own shoes. Somewhat insecurely, Zach readjusted his visor as the Scion of Metal cut in. Her genuine enthusiasm was certainly infectious, reverent and optimistic in a way he felt all inventors should be. It was a shame her talents didn't quite extend in the direction of the conversation, though he was sure he could find someone else to sate his curiosity if he really needed to. A question about mana batteries came to the tip of his tongue, only for a hand on his shoulder to halt him. Far too gentle to be a threat, even without taking into account the location, though he snapped his head to the side all the same. [color=BB8F4C]"A bit,"[/color] Zach hummed affirmatively as he greeted Kasper with a warm smile, [color=BB8F4C]"I was playing show-and-tell with my visor and Dame Sonia noted that we likely have similar models. I believe hers is the new prototype."[/color] He assumed it probably better for his peace of mind that he not inquire whether Kasper had been having fun with his own conversation. Hopefully the prince would soften up after the stress of his appointment had receded, and it wouldn't do to form a negative opinion of him so quickly. [hr][@Abstract Proxy][@Olive Fontaine]