"...Maybe it would be better if I was gone." For both them and her. Whatever good will she had with the students had disappeared when she struck Ayana. Would the situation back at the meeting worsen if she hadn't hit used her fascimile against Ayana? Thinking made her stressed her out and getting stressed out meant that she wasn't happy. If she wasn't happy then that meant she was living the carefree life that she had desired. Slowly confidence grew inside her. "Yes, yes, I have to do this." Strength gathered inside her as Shun stood right back up. With a swipe of her sleeve the moisture was swept away. "Maybe I can find a way out. I'm fast, I bet I can discover more of this strange world if I look around." The fuel in her exhaust was still full, though there was a question to be made. Where would she rest? The night had dawned in and the relatively safe place was the lake. Though that mainly was because the group was there. This would most likely be her only opportunity to leave the group. After that she'd would need to discover food, water, and shelter all by herself. She had a full bottle of water, and she'd recently eaten. That was about it. Refinding food and shelter would prove to be an ardous task for the middle school student, if she wanted to survive in these lands. However, a sudden thought crept into her head. "Do I really need to do all that?" In this hopeless, foreign world, Shun had an epiphany. Did she really need to survive to be happy? There was no escape in this land, her classmates were bound to kill each other eventually, and the flag of death loomed over her head. Wouldn't it be better to be herself till the very end? To feel the wind brush against her hair. A cry of joy and a sense of euphoria. A sudden calmness washed over Shun. Seemingly a trance, Shun departed into the forest. Any thoughts of long-term survival had vanished as she disappeared into the woods. What did the world have to offer for her compromised life? It was a question Shun would have to find for herself.