Alright, here are the relationships for Drake and Britney! I took a few liberties here and there but I'm willing to make some edits if someone has an issue.[hider=Drake's Relationships][table][row][cell][h3][color=f4eb93][b]Britney[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Williams[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"The ends do not justify the means because they're shaped and defined by them."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Britney did not do much interacting during the battle with the Stygian Snake. That mainly was left up to his older sister Victoria; however, once it came out just [i]what[/i] Britney was doing to people to rope them into the fight... Drake's opinion of her took a nose dive, and she was one of the main reasons he left the old Coven. Since then, Drake has not heard from Britney as the other Blackmores also cut Britney off.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=White][b]Alizée[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Altieri[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Just because we have magic, does [i]not[/i] mean we can go around bullying people."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Alizée were incredibly close during the fight against the Stygian Snake, with Alizée being an honorary member of the "Blackmore Party." The two fought valiantly, and Drake saw Alizée as his little sister, which hurt when Drake and the others discovered that Alizée was going out at night and hurting people. During his brief time in the old Coven, Drake gave Alizée nothing but the cold shoulder, and the fact she wasn't kicked out was one of the [i]other[/i] reasons why Drake left. He had no idea Alizée and Ashley fought, or she was kicked out. Since then, Drake has been hoping to run into her while doing his vigilante work and put an end to her.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=3277b3][b]Eksa[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Thresh[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Surprised she came."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Eksa did not interact a whole lot in the old Coven. To Drake, Eksa was just another person under that Sycamore Tree. However, during the final battle against the Stygian Snake, Drake was the one who pulled Eksa out of that burning building and gave Jade a chance to save her. Afterward, Eksa ghosted the entire Coven, and Drake didn't blame her - the old Coven [i]was[/i] a shitshow.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=CD5C5C][b]Linqian[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Han[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Firecracker hated Victoria. And I hated Jinhai."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Linqian got along reasonably well, with their firey personalities and abstractions synergizing well. However, it was ironic given that Drake [i]despised[/i] her older brother, and Linqian despised his older sister. Despite that, the two kept in touch, and Drake was saddened to hear that she also lost someone to Father Wolf.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=6B8E23][b]Luca[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Oliviera[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img][sup][i]"He's [b]still[/b] dealing with that Apparition?"[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Luca didn't have much of a relationship of note. Luca joined the Coven towards the end of the battle with the Stygian Snake, and Drake left shortly after. However, he was one of Britney's victims, and thus, Drake feels some guilt for not pushing for the Coven to help him. He is saddened to hear that, even after ten years, Luca [i]still[/i] has the Apparition adjoined to him. Drake will stop at [i]nothing[/i] until Luca gets help.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=Silver][b]Sloane[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Faris[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"I miss the hours Jade used to spend on the phone with her talking about nothing..."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Sloane have a bit of an odd relationship. Given Sloane's attitude, she would be just another member of the old Coven Drake would have hated. However, the two have a professional partnership, given that Sloane and Drake have a similar mindset of protecting St. Portwell from supernatural forces. has been marking dangerous Paranormals for Drake to defeat, and Jade saved Sloane's life after she distracted the Stygian Snake. The two have been ridiculously close until Jade's death. [/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DE198A][b]Tayla[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Choi[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"She looks different. I don't know how she will back up her big words."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Tayla didn't exactly get along too well, given that she was one of the most scathing critics of Drake's reckless stunts. Drake didn't care; he thought she was nothing but a square... but he felt sorry for her once her boyfriend, James, was killed distracting the Stygian Snake. Afterward, she disappeared, but Drake heard that she had fallen into hard drugs. There's that fleeting thought to try and patch things up with Tayla.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=white][b]Finn[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Reid[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Abominable or not, he's one of us."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Finn's relationship has been mixed... Drake was one of the frontline members, alongside the other Blackmores, who would openly defend Finn whenever the others picked on him. To the point where Drake threw hands with some of the other members and chided their brave leaders, Ashley and Daisy, in front of the entire Coven. However, Finn didn't keep a secret that he thought Drake was reckless, and Drake justified it by saying he was braver than others. However, after the Coven, he lost touch with Finn but is excited to see him again.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=FFC1CC][b]"Edict"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Devola[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"More things change, the more they stay the same..."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]For starters, Drake [i]refuses[/i] to call him Edict. In the old Coven, Drake, and Greyson did [i]not[/i] like each other. The two were the classic example of when egos collide, which has led to them being openly antagonistic towards each other. The old Coven probably [i]vividly[/i] remembers that they got into a fistfight with each other that was cheered on by some before it was broken up. Drake was probably the most openly antagonistic towards Greyson and called to have him removed due to his shady roots. After the Stygian Snake was defeated, Drake only heard secondhand about Greyson from Victoria and the others. He is [i]thrilled[/i] to have to deal with Greyson again.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=#8670AD][b]Kali[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Mahendra[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Of all the people to come back...."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake's feelings about Kali were probably a highlight of his recklessness and "shoot first, ask questions later" philosophy. From the start, Drake was [i]heavily[/i] suspicious of Kali from a mixture of watching too many movies, and, honestly, the guy was a bit shady. In Drake's eyes, Kali was that sleeper agent that the Stygian Snake planted in the Coven to betray the group in their darkest hour. Drake kept on top of Kali whenever possible and took jabs at the guy - which Kali held his own, taking jabs at Drake whenever possible. However, Drake was the first to admit that the guy could fight... but after the battle with the Stygian Snake, Drake noted that there was something different about the guy. He disappeared, and Drake thought that someone else took him out.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=EC26B9][b]Simone[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Le[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Fay[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"She aged well."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Simone didn't precisely interact much other than fighting alongside each other a few times. Drake always found her hot but didn't act on it because he was more concerned with the Stygian Snake.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=6644ff][b]Jack[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Hawthorne[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Last I heard, he was on his adventure."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Drake and Jack did not like each other... with Drake finding his edgy shtick to be utterly intolerable. Drake made fun of Jack (but was not hostile towards him) whenever he could. Making fun of Jack was a coping mechanism for Drake being around someone edgy. However, Drake can't help but respect how Jack went out and toured the All-Verse.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=white][b]"Sully"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]McPherson[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]""[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]TBD[/cell][/row][/table][/hider][hider=Britney's Relationships][table][row][cell][h3][color=3874f4][b]Drake[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Blackmore[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"He had a lot of growing to do."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Drake did not interact much, as Britney primarily dealt with the older members of the old Coven, such as his sister and the leadership. However, Britney demanded that the Coven keep an eye on Drake to ensure he didn't do anything stupid again... and lo and behold, the day of the eclipse, he got emotional and tried to fight the Stygian Snake by himself. However, it was very scathing when the shoe was on the other foot, and regretted how dismissive she acted towards Drake.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=White][b]Alizée[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Altieri[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"The Coven should have helped her, not pushed her away."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Alizée initially did not interact much during the battle with the Stygian Snake. However, that changed after the dust had settled and the many sins the group committed in the shadows came to light. Britney, out of guilt for her actions and a desire to take some heat off herself, defended Alizée whenever she could. She stopped the other members from picking on her, pushing the leadership to help Alizée. There was a suspicion that the Void Light had abscised Alizée, pushing her to night stalk. When Alizée had her climactic fight with Ashley, Britney was the one who tried to convince Ashley not to kick Alizée out, but when that failed, the two kept in touch. They became very close friends, and Alizée occasionally gets an invitation to any fashion show that Britney is a part of.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=3277b3][b]Eksa[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Thresh[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"I'm glad she's still alive."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney did not have much interaction with Eksa, but the two shared similar philosophies, so they got along well. However, Britney felt bad for Eksa when she was nearly killed by the Stygian Snake and wished she could have done more to help. However, Eksa returned to Scotland and ghosted the Coven, so she likely has little idea about what Britney did.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=CD5C5C][b]Linqian[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Han[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"The firecracker hasn't changed much."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Again, Britney didn't deal with Linqian much, as the latter was more of a footsoldier and the former was an advisor. However, Britney had worked closer with her older brother, Jinhai, and thought highly of the guy - despite his refusal to fight on the frontlines against the Snake. Other than that, Britney doesn't feel one way or the other about Linqian.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=6B8E23][b]Luca[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Oliviera[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"One of my greatest mistakes..."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney was the catalyst to ruining Luca's life... as he was one of the victims that she forced an Apparition, known as The Rot, to adjoin to. At the time, Britney was only thinking about defeating the Stygian Snake, which would have killed [i]all[/i] of them if not stopped. After it was stopped, Britney was forced to come clean and admitted to adjoining The Rot to Luca to have more footsoldiers in the fight against the Stygian Snake. Since then, the relationship has [i]not[/i] been good, and Britney did everything she could to help Luca... which ended with Britney getting kicked out. Britney tried to reach out but was blocked on [i]everything[/i] so she could only move on and hope that Luca found help.[/cell][/row] [row][cell][h3][color=Silver][b]Sloane[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Faris[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"My biggest critic..."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Initally, the two got along well and were considered to be friends, given that they had similar philosophies for dealing with magic. Sloane was essential for defeating the Stygian Snake by distracting it, allowing Ashley to get the killing blow on it and seal it away. However, after the reveal that Britney was responsible for adjoining Luca and Emily and cursing Vashti, their relationship became nosedive. Despite her best attempts, Sloane was not having it and was openly voting to remove Britney from the Coven - which came true one day.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DE198A][b]Tayla[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Choi[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"I'm glad she's still around."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Tayla honestly didn't interact at all during their time in the old Coven. Britney watched as James was killed by the Stygian Snake and tried to comfort Tayla. However, Tayla didn't want any of it and disappeared, and Britney respected her wishes and did not reach out.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=white][b]Finn[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Reid[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"Finn needs to realize that, Abominable or not, he's more human than most humans I've met."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]While not as fevered about it as Drake, Britney also protected Finn from getting mocked by the other members of the Coven. It reached a point where Britney would not help find any new artifacts unless Ashley apologized to him. Though he got distant from Britney after the reveal, Britney did not attempt to fix things before he left the Coven.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=FFC1CC][b]"Edict"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Devola[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"I pegged him with a cactus once."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Edict have a... complicated past. During the war against the Stygian Snake, their relationship was kept strictly professional, and Britney could not fault how he got them funding. However, things took a turn after the Stygian Snake's defeat, as he was the only member to take her side during the thing. Britney appreciated him for it, and this appreciation transformed into affection. She kept in contact with him after he was booted from the Coven, and after she was voted out, Britney and Greyson formed a relationship. Britney was happy for a time, but the red flags started popping up, and Britney realized that she was being manipulated and used for her Floramancy. It ended with a nasty breakup, and the encounter hurt Britney.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=#8670AD][b]Kali[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Mahendra[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"He's an oddity among oddities!"[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]To say the least, Kali was very fascinating to Britney, and his strange ways prompted her to keep his eyes on him. The reason for this? A genuine interest in the guy, and to ensure that he was not abscised that he was trying to spy on the Coven. Britney was friendly towards him and got kindness in return - which Britney [i]loved[/i]. However, some... things unnerved her about him and forced her to pull back. During the battle with the Stygian Snake, Kali came out strange, and Britney noted something off about him. Before she could get to the bottom of it, Kali vanished like many other members after the Stygian Snake was defeated.[/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=EC26B9][b]Simone[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Le[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Fay[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"I can't blame her for how she feels."[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Simone were friends in the old Coven, and the two were amicable towards each other. Britney couldn't help but admit that she found Simone attractive and would like to explore something; however, after the Stygian Snake was defeated, Britney noticed that her entire demeanor towards her had changed completely. Britney had no choice but to pull back and the two have been distant towards each other since then.[/cell][/row] [row][cell][h3][color=6644ff][b]Jack[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Hawthorne[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]"... Did he fucking enter the [b]Void?[/b]"[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Britney and Jack worked together a lot in the old Coven, and she was sort of a "magical mentor" towards Jack. Whenever there was a lull in activity, Jack came to Britney to learn about what she knew about the secret world of magic. To say the least, Britney [i][i]LOVED[/i][/i] this and would infodump Jack about magic for [i]hours[/i], and she was the one that told him about the greater All-Verse, the Pit, and the Void. She was there when he left on his adventure... however, since she didn't hear back from him, she assumed he was killed. [/cell][/row] [row][cell][h3][color=white][b]"Sully"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]McPherson[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [sup][i]""[/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]TBD[/cell][/row] [/table][/hider]