[center][url=https://youtu.be/Fwc-LH8IGj8?si=OKy2d3UFI5FknxwS][img]https://i.imgur.com/V2fMVnx.png[/img][/url] [color=#FFFFFF]_[/color][color=#FCFBFB]_[/color][color=#F9F8F8]_[/color][color=#F6F5F5]_[/color][color=#F3F2F2]_[/color][color=#F0EFEF]_[/color][color=#EDECEC]_[/color][color=#EAE9E9]_[/color][color=#E7E6E6]_[/color][color=#E4E3E3]_[/color][color=#E1E0E0]_[/color][color=#DEDDDD]_[/color][color=#DBDADA]_[/color][color=#D8D7D7]_[/color][color=#D5D4D4]_[/color][color=#D2D1D1]_[/color][color=#CFCECE]_[/color][color=#CCCBCB]_[/color][color=#C9C8C8]_[/color][color=#C6C5C5]_[/color][color=#C3C2C2]_[/color][color=#C0BFBF]_[/color][color=#BDBCBC]_[/color][color=#BAB9B9]_[/color][color=#B7B6B6]_[/color][color=#B4B3B3]_[/color][color=#B1B0B0]_[/color][color=#AEADAD]_[/color][color=#ABAAAA]_[/color][color=#A8A7A7]_[/color][color=#A5A4A4]_[/color][color=#A2A1A1]_[/color][color=#9F9E9E]_[/color][color=#9C9B9B]_[/color][color=#999898]_[/color][color=#969595]_[/color][color=#939292]_[/color][color=#908F8F]_[/color][color=#8D8C8C]_[/color][color=#8A8989]_[/color][color=#878686]_[/color][color=#848383]_[/color][color=#818080]_[/color][color=#7E7D7D]_[/color][color=#7B7A7A]_[/color][color=#787777]_[/color][color=#757474]_[/color][color=#727171]_[/color][color=#6F6E6E]_[/color][color=#6C6B6B]_[/color][color=#696868]_[/color][color=#666565]_[/color][color=#636262]_[/color][color=#605F5F]_[/color][color=#5D5C5C]_[/color][color=#5A5959]_[/color][color=#575656]_[/color][color=#545353]_[/color][color=#515050]_[/color][color=#4E4D4D]_[/color][color=#4B4A4A]_[/color][color=#484747]_[/color][color=#454444]_[/color][color=#424141]_[/color][color=#3F3E3E]_[/color][color=#3C3B3B]_[/color][color=#393838]_[/color][color=#363535]_[/color][color=#333232]_[/color][color=#302F2F]_[/color][/center] [h1][/h1] [@AThousandCurses][@Yankee][@Erode][@baraquiel][@Vertigo] [h1][/h1] Ayana paused briefly, her bright blue eyes lighting up as she listened with great interest to what Asahi had to say. Though it didn’t all make sense to her after hearing and seeing what he had done moments before. [color=ed1c24]“Oh? I thought you were the one that wished to fight, was that not what all the posturing and chest puffing was about puuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrhappps? Or was I mistaken in believing this and mistook your words and actions to mean something else A-Sa-Hiiiiiiii, besides it doesn’t matter who would[/color] win in a physical fight, you can beat me into the dirt, pound my face in, break every bone in my body……it doesn’t change the truth…..” Her right hand coming up to her chin rubbing it in brief thought. [h1][/h1] [color=ed1c24]"Though....if you only opened your eyes A-Sa-Hi....we could help everyone together.....does no one wish to be joyful?, wise? or shrewd? or does everyone wish to be mad? to act savage and deny the truth, or do you wish to conqueror your fears? If you are swift enough....there is still time.... "[/color] [h1][/h1] A slight distract causing gaze and attention to shift. Her eyes focusing on the features of her step sister’s face as she peered into her eyes, returning the favor as she gave her a frown [color=ed1c24]“Still in where? I don’t understand what any of you are talking about half of the time, I’ve not gone anywhere…has no one been listening? I’m Oros The Clumsy, but I’m also Ayana…..I’ve not gone into anywhere, or any thing, no one has taken my body…..”[/color] Trying to correct both Asahi and her step-sister and anyone else that had the belief that she had been possessed or her body had been taken over by another entity. [h1][/h1] Shrugging her shoulders as she reached a hand up to give a flick of her messy hair [color=ed1c24]“All that has happened, is quite simple, I just remembered who I truly am…the part of myself that I hid away, and forgot….my eyes were opened once again to the truth, to reality…..now if only the rest of you would come to accept and embrace this truth, to open your hearts……”[/color] Leaning back as she stared straight up into the sky, placing her hands on her hips as she began to impatiently tap her foot. [h1][/h1] [color=ed1c24]“However, it seems that everyone has become quite hostile towards me, yet I have not even threatened anyone or harmed anyone? Does the truth really scare you all that much that you try to deny it without ever really being able to truly see the light? I only wish to help everyone, have I not made that clear? now….I will ask again, who wants to live? Who wants to embrace the truth, to open your hearts, your souls, your minds….orrrrrr you can just all beat my ass, but that is only going to make you feel better for a little bit….before your denial of the truth costs you all dearly….”[/color] Reaching over as she pulled her step-sister towards her placing a hand on either of her shoulders. Her blue eyes filled with a fiery intensity as she had the biggest smile yet across her smug mug. [h1][/h1] [color=ed1c24]“Since we are blood, how about you accept it first? Puuuuurrrrrrhappppps…..you have some of the same unique powers that I possess….after all it wouldn’t be out of the question that you are of blessed blood like myself….A-Ya-Ne……so what will it be….? purrrrhappps….Ma-Sa-To will want to accept it as well, of course as the class president….it would help lead others to accepting it as well? The possibilities are endless…..but only if you believe me…..”[/color] Ayana’s gaze turned towards her other classmates now as she spread her arms out wide to either side of her basking in her own moment. [h1][/h1] [color=ed1c24]“Those that wish it, I will accept your embrace and I will give you my own…….if it makes you feel any better, I'll even cook you all a nice meal in celebration.....”[/color] Closing her eyes as she remained where she was at, arms spread wide open. Leaving herself completely open and defenseless if anyone sought to bring her further harm, but also open to any who chose to believe her and accept the truth. [h1][/h1] It had not escaped her notice that Shun had departed, but Ayana had to handle things here first before she figured out if she would need to pursue Shun once again. It wasn’t the first time that Shun had left and slinked off somewhere to be alone. Not only was Shun a important friend too Ayana that she wished to have joined her side, Shun likely had what Ayana desired, after all it was likely that she had been the one to take Endless Eclipse for herself. What Shun did with it was another matter entirely, or if it granted her the same kind of visions as it had Ayana, this wasn’t something that Oros was sure of.