[center][h2]Richard Evans[/h2][h3]Byjerlfal City — Park[/h3][/center] Though it wasn't backbreaking strain, lifting the injured Munchlax off the ground was no easy feat. The injuries weren't life threatening at the very least, but that didn't mean they could just loiter around in the process. The appearance of a familiar face, however, did pull Richard's attention away from the Munchlax—at least, for a moment. "Uh... More acquaintance than friend, I'd say?" he responded, glancing over towards his Rotom phone as it beckoned him over. "We're technically coworkers, if you want to get nitpicky. Met her about... Half an hour ago?" It took a moment more before what Laurel had said registered in his mind, though. "...Wait, hold on. You know what happened here? Actually, before that: can you help us bring this Munchlax over to the Pokemon Center? Doesn't really matter if this guy's a food thief or whatever right now, but if you could at least fill us in as we get moving that'd be great," Richard said before glancing down towards the injured Pokemon. "It wouldn't exactly be safe if it was their Trainer responsible for this, y'know?" [@Rune_Alchemist]