[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800920533151514644/1176681726261608558/image.png?ex=656fc141&is=655d4c41&hm=1a64a885d3afb66e3e65edab2d5094fff5f0ed81728713e08aaf1065805c8895&=&format=webp[/img] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/91a6523a575b4a5f032659fea811a863.png[/img] Grabbing onto Finn's shoulder, whether it was taut or not did not matter to the woman as she balanced herself off him. Body weight shifted as she chummed away on the cigarette in her mouth. She puffed a exhale of cancer towards Grayson Devola as her eyes moved over to the talking head. Taking one last inhale from the stick, she flicks the Stubb away into one of Auri's flower pots. Thankfully moist soil and burning ashes don't mix into a fire, right? She felt the taste of blood and iron return to her mouth as she spit off to the side of the floor, whether it was waxed and shined didn't matter anymore. A crimson stain would leave its mark on the shop's floor like a forever pact of a certain coven long ago. "Shut up Devola, go steal some painkillers for me. We'll call it even." She said looking up to him, face not swollen or severely discolored. A black eye, a healing face, a broken nose, and a soul unshattered. Eve had the face of a survivor, it was a hard look to shake from her. Much like the history of this coven, much hadn't changed after all. [/center]