[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/1002727749556912200/Desperado.png?ex=6561397d&is=654ec47d&hm=13d56fa10867473595eeff5268dc13aec1fe9df41237dd5dc2a5e756f1291c74&[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/987494285253427230/unknown.png?ex=65612d38&is=654eb838&hm=258c15e2bde6a786a534d4b65620d83faa772c49f7911fa6505fdda647cff493&[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h3][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/B3prXAS8mCo[/youtube][/center] After that one powerful shot, the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] was set slightly off-balanced yet not stopped. Within the quiet pilot took hold of his controls, and leaned forward. The [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] began to move, one step forward was then a small tilt, then from that tilt another step as the mech took another step. Slowly but surely, the mech continued forward. Gaining speed quickly as the mech began to slam its feet faster and faster as it began to move quite a distance in a short time. Once the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] hit the start of the bridge, it aimed and fired Lasers at the Panther another time. More sickly green energy poured from the lasers, almost as if the witch had cursed them with such malice that it aimed to corrupt everything it touched. As even with a little bit of the energy hitting some of the stone beyond the enemy mechs were gashed deep. Almost like giant claws lashing and cutting anything in its way. The Large and medium lasers sought out the Panther for that one moment before the [I]Phoenix Hawk[/i] contained the deep malice that was held within its guns. As there was no longer line of sight for the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] to hit [I]Panther[/i]. Once the lasers are fired, the mech begins to full-on run across the bridge. Hanging precariously close to the edge as the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] ran on the very edge of the bridge to save on time to get to the front as quickly as possible. Trying to take heat for his other mechs and possibly set up a great move as it's jump jets began to spark to life. [hider][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985308253527347302/1179232227452780634/image.png?ex=65790898&is=65669398&hm=44db92f12b00b3cc98834ee1b98820da4667047bb8ecb566773928451bc8c560&[/img][/center][/hider]