[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800920533151514644/1176681726261608558/image.png?ex=656fc141&is=655d4c41&hm=1a64a885d3afb66e3e65edab2d5094fff5f0ed81728713e08aaf1065805c8895&=&format=webp[/img] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/91a6523a575b4a5f032659fea811a863.png[/img] Before Eve could ever really reply to Luca and the potential of 'rotten' pills, Sully came barging in. As she was hanging on to Finn by a thread she soon found herself in the arms of Sully, the actual healer. "I knew you were still around." She said before finding herself being nursed back to health by the Chalice. Every drop of 'magical' elixir entered her body, renewing her with strength and vitality as the brutal beating she had endured hours earlier seemed to vanish from her person. Color returned to her skin, internal bleeding slowed and stopped and of course her nose was back to its pristine self. Eve pulled the bandage off from a once broken nose, dropping it in the plant she flicked her cigarette to. "Thank you, I missed you Healer Sully." Eve said remembering that he was the big guy who carried around that eldtrich chalice of his. She held onto his huge tree-trunk arms, it was almost comical but as the strength returned to her body she held onto his arm almost like a crutch before standing on her own after a minute or so, walking over Grayson Devola she took out her pack of Grey Strikes cigarettes offering it to one Gray guy. She'd then put a lone Grey Strike above her left ear with her blonde locks as she looked out. Watching Drake being sound blasted, people gobbling and gasping around as people literally came out of the woodworks. "I missed this shit." She said whispering to Devola, a known thief and hearttaker. Her eyes darted looking over to Kali and Auri as they returned to give some kind of news. "Sup A." Everleigh said to Auri, her shop turned into a china shop after a earthquake while she was gone for mere moments to sort out Kali. "I hope this ain't the chalice talkin' but did I catch this right? Kali you're a fed, badge-carrying, gun-toting federal agent? Dude, I'm not sure how I feel about this 'cuz I spent a good amount of time behind bars upstate because of people like you." She kept her hands in her jacket pockets, her right digits fumbling around with a old but handy pair of brass knuckles. "Anyone reason us para-norms shouldn't send you packing back to your field office? Authority brings trouble, and I got a serious authority problem." [/center]