It was hard to wrap her mind around what she was seeing. When she thought it to be a dream, it was one thing, but the person standing behind her was undeniably Sir Cyrus. Perhaps not the original Sir Cyrus, but how was some sort of magical recording or some other manner of strange occult construction. Perhaps something only a Witch could manage to create. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her thoughts. They had an objective here. As surreal as it was, there was a goal that they had to fulfill. Thus, they had to pursue it as soon as possible. If they were supposed to prove their skills, then--- Could she really stack up to the expectations of one of the Order's founding knights? Could she truly manage such a thing? Could she- Fanilly's train of thought was swiftly interrupted when she was approached by one of the maid twins, who proceeded to call her a squire and ask for food. The Knight-Captain stared in blank incomprehension for a moment. Certainly, she was not always confident in herself, but being mistaken for a squire and addressed as such took her by total surprise. "I..." she trailed off for a moment as she attempted to collect her thoughts, trying to compose herself. She cleared her throat. "... I may not stand at the same level as my predecessors," she said, finally, managing to gather herself enough to speak with a firm tone, "But I am not a squire. I am Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses, and while I won't judge you for your mistake I will ask that you do not make it again." [@Raineh Daze][@Octo]