[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230221/cb6484a02614df90a439df4f3d7154be.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF]_[/color][color=#FCFBFB]_[/color][color=#F9F8F8]_[/color][color=#F6F5F5]_[/color][color=#F3F2F2]_[/color][color=#F0EFEF]_[/color][color=#EDECEC]_[/color][color=#EAE9E9]_[/color][color=#E7E6E6]_[/color][color=#E4E3E3]_[/color][color=#E1E0E0]_[/color][color=#DEDDDD]_[/color][color=#DBDADA]_[/color][color=#D8D7D7]_[/color][color=#D5D4D4]_[/color][color=#D2D1D1]_[/color][color=#CFCECE]_[/color][color=#CCCBCB]_[/color][color=#C9C8C8]_[/color][color=#C6C5C5]_[/color][color=#C3C2C2]_[/color][color=#C0BFBF]_[/color][color=#BDBCBC]_[/color][color=#BAB9B9]_[/color][color=#B7B6B6]_[/color][color=#B4B3B3]_[/color][color=#B1B0B0]_[/color][color=#AEADAD]_[/color][color=#ABAAAA]_[/color][color=#A8A7A7]_[/color][color=#A5A4A4]_[/color][color=#A2A1A1]_[/color][color=#9F9E9E]_[/color][color=#9C9B9B]_[/color][color=#999898]_[/color][color=#969595]_[/color][color=#939292]_[/color][color=#908F8F]_[/color][color=#8D8C8C]_[/color][color=#8A8989]_[/color][color=#878686]_[/color][color=#848383]_[/color][color=#818080]_[/color][color=#7E7D7D]_[/color][color=#7B7A7A]_[/color][color=#787777]_[/color][color=#757474]_[/color][color=#727171]_[/color][color=#6F6E6E]_[/color][color=#6C6B6B]_[/color][color=#696868]_[/color][color=#666565]_[/color][color=#636262]_[/color][color=#605F5F]_[/color][color=#5D5C5C]_[/color][color=#5A5959]_[/color][color=#575656]_[/color][color=#545353]_[/color][color=#515050]_[/color][color=#4E4D4D]_[/color][color=#4B4A4A]_[/color][color=#484747]_[/color][color=#454444]_[/color][color=#424141]_[/color][color=#3F3E3E]_[/color][color=#3C3B3B]_[/color][color=#393838]_[/color][color=#363535]_[/color][color=#333232]_[/color][color=#302F2F]_[/color] Kogen didn't let go. Very quickly Masato realized that he couldn't physically make him either. Kogen's Facsimile was strong, it made him immovable. As was becoming scarily normal, Masato didn't know what to do. His eyes flickered down to Akito's straining face, then back up to the metallic mask. The other students couldn't help either, the ones that hadn't left yet standing by to watch and worry. While his brain took in the information of what else was going on around him and filed it for later - Oros' continued insane ramblings, Asahi's anger and startling reveal - his attention was still on his childhood friend. He couldn't see Kogen's face beneath the armored helmet, and he hadn't the first clue what kind of expression the other boy was making under there. It had been too long since he and Kogen had actually spoken for Masato to even hazard a guess. So instead Masato counted on the fact that Akito was still alive at all that Kogen might still back off. [color=B1E4FC]"Ko-kun, just listen to me,"[/color] he hissed. [color=B1E4FC]"Do you actually want to kill a person? If you don't let go of him he's gonna die!"[/color] Even with his hand still wrapping around Kogen's wrist, he couldn't feel anything under the armor. He couldn't feel if Kogen was hesitating or loosening his grip, only that he hadn't yet let go and Akito was still choking. [color=B1E4FC]"He can't even fight back, he doesn't stand a chance as you are now,"[/color] Masato said, attempting to appeal to the sense of honor he knew Kogen had. Still Kogen didn't let up. What was it going to take to resolve this? Masato narrowed his eyes and couldn't help the small, bitter grin that started to show on his face. [color=B1E4FC]"Let him go and you can hit me all you want. You've probably wanted to do that for a couple years now, huh?"[/color] The two of them hadn't even fought it out back then, as friends, or as men, just avoided each other. It was clear though that Kogen had a lot of pent up rage. But it still didn't really seem like anything Masato was saying was getting through. Tired, confused, and utterly frustrated, Masato just let his stupid instincts take over. [color=B1E4FC]"God fucking damn it Ko-kun! Come out of that thing and listen!"[/color] As he said it, Masato slammed his head against Kogen's, willing the magic armor away. He felt his skull bounce off of it, and god damn that was gonna hurt for a while if not leave him concussed out right, but he was out of ideas.