[center][h1][color=#F08080]Shinozaki Yurie[/color][/h1][/center] Alright, so she wasn't the only one taken completely off-guard by whatever the fuck was going on. That was somewhat comforting. Most of the people around her sounded North American based on the accent, with one other Japanese girl by the sound of it. Thank god she was bilingual. [color=pink]"♫~Love is like a gummy bear, a yummy yummy gummy bear~♫"[/color] Motherfucker who was playing that stupid Cameron Mason song- Yurie swung her gaze around and did a double take. [i]She was stuck in a room with Cameron Mason.[/i] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. She'd heard enough of his saccharine pop crap when he started getting big during her last year or two in America, and it'd started spreading to Japan too. Why the hell was he here?! Why couldn't it have been an EDM artist? [color=ff4500]"Wait, is that Cameron Mason? Hot balls, it really is him!"[/color] Even worse, [i]she was stuck in a room with Famerons.[/i] Screw what the angels were saying about heaven, this was hell. And speaking of, the fact that they were apparently able to manipulate binary of all things piqued Yurie's attention. The hacker part of her brain latched onto that, and she paid special attention to the fact that whatever it was doing suddenly killed the language barrier, apparently. Not that it would have mattered for most of them. [color=#F08080]"That's like the least helpful explanation I've ever heard."[/color] Yurie nodded in agreement with the blonde girl, folding her arms under her chest as she glowered up at the apparent angels. Then something in her brain clicked as she recalled the details of the email. Dragged into what seemed to be another world. Ostensibly to save it. And they were in some kind of heaven right now. Isekai was real. The only thing they were missing was the truck. Wow, she couldn't hate her life any more at the moment if she tried. Yurie took a deep breath. Then another. Fuck. [color=#F08080]"Alright, skipping past the part where we all clearly deserve this for clicking on a spam email, if that's how you got everyone else,"[/color] She glanced around briefly for confirmation. No point in complaining about her own actions in getting this far. Even with all her safety precautions, Yurie had sort of deserved this for even bothering to click on an obvious spam link purely for shits and giggles. She could admit that much. [color=#F08080]"Whatever you want to make us do for you, are you even going to pretend we can say no? Also, much as I don't want to know, what do you want from us?"[/color]