The miasma was thicker on the second level, not unlike the sickly sour smell of a sickbay after a long battle, with the stench of fear, charred and rotting flesh, vomit and soiled bodies. She remembers that smell all too well. Her stomach cramps - not as bad as before the battle, but this wasn't a good time, gritting her teeth as her sword slashes at yet another skeleton, only for another to appear in its place. What was that necromancer doing? If Terilu could raise them, why couldn't he put them down? And what was the giant doing, or any of the others? If she knew magic, she'd be throwing around fireballs, destroying the miasma and the skeletons all at the same time! "How..." Ilyana yells, knocking aside a spear jabbing towards her as her blade separated the owner's skull from the rest of its skeleton, "Is everyone? We having fun, yet?"