Simo cheerfully skipped out of the ship that had brought him to Lunaris. Here was an entirely new world (to him) to explore. Simo wasn't used to being surrounded by so many people, however if there was one thing he learned while growing up in a jungle, it was how to adapt...and hunt...and how to use a sniper rifle...and-Okay! So he learned a lot of things in the jungle, that's not the point. What is the point is that he didn't let his new surroundings get to him. 'It's a whole new world' he told himself. That was enough to calm him down. Simo found it odd that so many people seemed to fear the unknown. Why would they? Not knowing what something is makes it interesting, and finding out what it is is fun. He had left home because he had explored the forest he grew up in so many times, that there weren't any unknowns left. He had a perfect mental map of the place...and he found that boring. So, when his dad left, the only thing for him to do was do the same thing; to get out there and explore worlds he currently can't even fathom. It sounded like a great time So Simo was naturally in awe of the station. The one where he entered the ship was kind of rundown, but this one was real nice. Hell, it almost sparkled in some places, that was pretty awesome. And the people. There were just so many of them. Hell, a good chunk of them weren't even human. That was a real surprise. Oh well, just something to explore at a later date. Right now, he had a new world to wander around aimlessly in until something happened. His dad always said that's the best way to start an adventure in a new place if you don't already have any plans. So he set wander around aimlessly